Held at the Tampa Police Pistol Ranges
March 12 through 15, 1959
Dear Pistoleers:
The 1959 National Mid Winter Pistol Tournament is now history and with the mailing of this Pistoleer we bring to a close the most important tournament I have ever been associated with.
This was Smitty's last tournament. The planning was his; I only completed his work and carried out his plans. In this and only this I hope to have succeeded.
The matches this year excellent had newspaper and TV as well as radio coverage. I want to thank all of them especially the newspapers, where feature stories and pictures ran almost every day.
The meet also enjoyed a record entry; the competitors being the kindest, lost thoughtful and altogether, the nicest bunch of people it has been my privilege to know. I would like to believe that such a record field was in part, a stirring tribute to Smitty. All of the shooters were most cooperative; on the line the moment the relay was called, shooting, and then clearing out for the next relay in nothing short of magic.
Opening day ceremonies honored Smitty Brown, the founder of these matches, who passed away November 25th. Jesse E. Harpe was in charge of the proceedings. Among the distinguished speakers were George Whittington, President of the National Rifle Association; General Hatcher, past president; Louis Lucas, Deputy Executive Director; Sam Davis, Chairman of the Sports Committee in Tampa; Mr. Clampitt, representing the Mayor of Tampa; Tom Wayble, Executive Officer of the matches, for this year and Frank Wyman, NRA at large. My one regret is not to have been able to tape this tribute to Smitty. If I could have recorded all the nice things these gentlemen had to say about their association with Smitty. It would have been a most cherished possession.
A sad note was further injected the next day when news arrived that General Parks, who was unable to attend the opening day ceremonies because of illness, passed away at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington. Tribute was paid this fine officer.
The matches brought out a beautiful overall exhibition of marksmanship. New faces are pressing the old hands, so to speak. Congratulations to a modest and most courteous gentleman - Lt David Cartes, U. S. Army, for repeating his performance of last year winning the Mid-Winter Championship. Also congratulations to our own Lucy Chambliss for capping the ladies' title again. Just for the record, Capt. W. W. McMillan, USMC, was second in the Grand Aggregate; T'Sgt. Wm Mellon, USAF, third; Wm Blankenship, USA, fourth; Roy Ratliff, USA, fifth.
Let us not forget the wonderful fish fry prepared for us by John Latture and his friends. Everyone seemed to enjoy it as much as me. John and Bill Sharpe also combined to give the Team Captains a good dinner. John Flaherty entertained the Sports Committee with whom Smitty was associated with for so many years.
The Pistoleer, 1959
Cartes, Benner Head Pistol Match Field
Some of the nation's top military, police and civilian pistol masters will compete for the National Mid-Winter Pistol championships here this week at the Tampa Police Pistol Range.
The five-day event, which opens Tuesday, has attracted a field of more than 600 experts for the 28th annual shooting of the Mid-Winter which rates among the top target tournaments in the country.
Lt. David Cartes of Philadelphia, and Master Sgt. Huelet "Joe" Benner, coach of the U.S. Military Academy team, head the impressive list of gunners who will bed for crowns.
Cartes snapped Benner's domination of the shoot last year as he captured the overall championship after the West Point coach had won the crown for six straight years.
Both are members of the U. S. Army Advanced Marksmanship Unit of Fort Benning, Ga. The AMU, which is composed of the best shooters in the Army, swept most of the top individual and team places at last year's Mid-Winters and went on to take nearly all of the positions on the U. S. International team which finished second in the world matches in Moscow last year.
Trophies will be awarded for individual and team matches here but the focus of attention will be on the high man in the grand aggregate, the ultimate test of pistol skills.
The winner of the grand aggregate and 1959 champion will have to spend three days firing with .22, .38 and .45 caliber pistols.
Individual matches are on tap Tuesday and Wednesday's schedule calling for a variety of matches with .22 caliber competition heading the list.
Cpl. Fred A. Grant of Coral Gables won the .22 competition last year but was unable to sustain his early performance and lost out to Cartes in the .38 and .45 matches. The .38 competition will be held Thursday, .45 shooting Friday and team matches Saturday.
Top competition for the Army entries is expected to come from the U. S. Border Patrol team which includes such deadeyes as Joe White and Buck Fisher.
A late entry is expected from Capt. W. W. McMillan of the U. S. Marine Corps who was a member of the international team which competed in Moscow last year.
Another strong contender is SFC William Blankenship of the Army who won the Flamingo Open championship at Coral Gables last winter and last month beat Cartes for first place in the Texas Mid-Winters at San Antonio.
M/Sgt. Richard Stineman and Sgt. Emil Heugatter, both of AMU, also are rates as title threats.
Benner's record in the Mid-Winters in recent years has more than been matched in the women's competition by Lucy Chambliss of Winter Haven. Lucy will be on hand to defend the distaff crown she has won seven of the past eight years.
Tampa Tribune, Sunday, March 8, 1959
Benner Hopes To Regain Pistol Crown
M/Sgt. Huelet L. "Joe" Benner, one of the world's greatest pistol shots will try to regain his position as the leading marksman of the United States this week in the National Mid-Winter Championships which will get underway at the Police Pistol Range Tuesday.
For years, Benner practically had the field to himself but recently, a crop of new gunners has been moving up and in 1958, Benner was upset in the big tournament staged here.
Lt. David Cartes surprised the pistol world by knocking off the defending champion and starting Tuesday, the two experts will clash head on in the five-day target event.
Cartes is generally rated as the favorite this year but, his position is not nearly so secure as Benner's used to be. That is due to the presence of the former champion and the upcoming crop of deadeyed youngsters.
Young Deadeyes
One of the main reasons for the sudden upsurge of the new pistol masters is the U. S.Army Advanced Marksmanship Unit (AMU), a group of men stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga., who spend the year practicing and firing in the leading pistol matches here and abroad.
Benner, who for several years has been pistol coach at West Point, joins the unit for important matches such as the Mid-Winters which he has won six times. Joe also has captured the National Rifle Association crown five times and the world championship three times.
In 1952, Benner was awarded the gold medal for placing first among pistol shooters at the Olympics in Helsinki. Last summer, he fired on the U. S. International team which finished second behind the Russians at the world matches in Moscow.
Cartes, who also made the Moscow trip, fired in registered competition for the first time at the 1956 Mid-Winters and despite the comparatively tender age of 29, looms as one of the brightest stars in the game.
Shooting Background
He has the background for shooting since his father, Aron Cartes, has been the Philadelphia Police Department's pistol instructor for the past 30 years.
Cartes still considers his victory here last year as the highlight of his shooting career. He most recently won the Inter-Service Matches at San Antonio, Texas last month.
Another top shooter who will compete at the Police Pistol Range is SFC William Blankenship, AMU member who took the Texas Mid-Winters at San Antonio and competed in the world matches. Last year he won the Flamingo Open title at Coral Gables in competition with Benner and Cartes.
In addition to the Army entries, top police and civilian experts will step to the firing line here to compete in individual matches Tuesday through Friday and team matches on Saturday.
Lucy Chambliss of Winter Haven, winner of seven of the last eight women's championships in the Mid-Winters, will be on hand to defend her crown again.
Tampa Tribune, Monday, March 9, 1959
Country's Top Shooters In Mid-Winter Matches
Tribune Sports Writer
The United States Army pistol team which last year walked off with all the top places in the National Mid-Winter Pistol Championships here, will field another high-shooting aggregation today in an all-out attempt to retain their supremacy in the five-day event.
Lt. David Cartes, last year's overall champion, Master Sgt. Huelet L. Benner, who has won the title six times in the past seven years. Cpl. Fred Grant, Sgt. First Class Maurice Belisle and Sgt. First Class William Blankenship, make the Army a major threat again the year.
The meet, opening this morning at the Tampa Police Pistol Range at 8 o'clock, has attracted another large field expected to rival last year's record breaking 550 shooters.
The will be vying in the micro sight trophy match (20 shots, slow fire from 25 yards, any caliber); the Camp Perry course match (.22 caliber pistol or revolver); and Bausch and Lomb trophy match (international Olympic slow fire, any pistol or revolver).
Benner captured the opening match last year, Blankenship the second and Cartes the third to kick off their bid for aggregate individual and team honors.
Benner has a colorful career behind him. He is pistol coach at West Point, has amassed several world and national aggregate championships including the 1952 Olympics.
Cartes won the .22 caliber national indoor championship in 1957. His father, Aron Cartes, Philadelphia police pistol instructor, started him early and his first registered competition began in the Mid-Winters here in 1956.
Belisle is former Panama area champ, with Blankenship and Grant the younger of the troupe who just last year gained the elite 2600-plus class.
An Air Force team from Lackland, AFB, San Antonio, Texas, is expected to be the top team challenger. Composing the newly organized unit are Tech. Sgts. Bill Mellon, John L. Keyser, Fred McFarland and David L. Miller, and Col. Thomas C. Kelly.
In an unofficial tuneup Sunday, Marine Capt. William McMillan outshot Benner and established himself as a chief contender for the individual aggregate championship.
Joe White, former Tampan, and Bill Toney, both of the Border Patrol are also expected to be among the top shooters.
Mrs. C. A. Brown, meet director, said Harry Reeves, a former winner, will again be unable to attend because of a back condition. Lucille Chambliss, of Winter Haven, is favored to win her eighth women's crown. The state women's titlist had dominated the distaff division the past eight years.
Her late husband, Smitty Brown, will be paid tribute for his 28 years devotion to improving the shoot, one of the nation's biggest, in opening ceremonies this morning.
Tampa Tribune, Tuesday, March 10, 1959
Marines Top Pistol Winners
Tribune Sports Writer
Marine Corps marksmen blasted the Army's grip on master class laurels yesterday by winning two of the three events as the 28th annual Mid-Winter Pistol Championships opened at the Tampa Police Pistol Range.
However, temporary, it was a big day for the Marines who outshot a record field of more than 600 competitors. Robert O. Jones, USMC, San Diego, Calif., and William W. McMillan also from San Diego, came through with wins in the Camp Perry Course match and the Frank Wyman trophy match respectively.
A relatively unknown in the Army's grand aggregate of outstanding marksmen, Antonio Soza, Fort Benning, Ga., won the opening event - the Micro Sight trophy match.
Jones, who also captured the NRA Building fund match (aggregate 1 and 2), posted a score of 300 with his placement of shots deciding the match. He put 20 squarely in the center of the bullseye.
Jones' aggregate score was 499x33x. X indicates the number of shots hitting the center of the target.
McMillan, the biggest threat to Army supremacy, posted a 297-17x score in winning his match. McMillan was one of only two non-AMU men who were named to the U. S. International team who competed in the world matches at Moscow last summer and his prestige advanced markedly with yesterday's triumph.
Soza, with AMU at Fort Benning, posted a 200-17x score.
Runner up to Jones was William Mellon, of the Air Force, San Antonio, with 200-19x, and William C. Joyner, Border Patrol, El Paso, 300-19x.
Fred A. Grant, the only prominent Army shooter to place in yesterday's matches which do not count toward the grand aggregate, took second behind McMillan with 296-13x. William Horton, Army, Fort Hood, Texas, was third with 296-13x.
John H. Lingle, Army, Niagara, N. C., posted a 200-15x score to take second after Soza. William T. Toney, Border Patrol, El Paso, was third with 200-14x.
The big field forced cancellation of the Bausch and Lomb Trophy Match.
Today .22 caliber pistol get undivided attention with four matches scheduled, starting at 8 o'clock this morning. On tap are timed, rapid, slow and civilian trophy match (national course) in that order. Grant took the aggregate .22 caliber championship last year.
Tampa Tribune, Wednesday, March 11, 1959
Aitken Wins .22 Caliber Mid-Winter Pistol Title
Harry Aitken, U. S. Border Patrol marksman from Wilcox, Ariz., yesterday won the .22 caliber aggregate championship in the National Mid-Winter Pistol Championships at the Tampa Police Pistol Range.
Aitken won the slow fire event and placed high enough in the other three to post the best score — 882-34x — and take the lead for the overall championship won last year by Lt. David Cartes.
Aitken's score for the slow fire match was 193-6x. X Indicates the number of shots hitting dead center of the bullseye.
Richard Stineman, stationed with the Army at Fort Benning, took second with an 880-44x. Another Fort Benning marksman, H. L. Benner who has dominated the winner's circle for the last eight years, finished third with 880-38x.
Fourth was William H. Mellon, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, 880-34x, and fifth Cartes, also with the Advanced Marksmanship Unit at Fort Benning, 879-34x.
Fred A. Grant, a former cow puncher from Vero Beach who was defending champion in the matches, won the opening timed fire event. The AMU marksman posted a 200-15x score. Second was Donald W. James, Army, Fort Ord, Calif., 200-13x, and third, Winter Haven's Lucille Chambliss, 200-13x.
The rapid fire match went to James W. Kurtz, Army, Eldred, Ill., 200-8x. Samuel W. Hunter, Army, Fort Benning, was second with 200-7x, and third was William D. Dunnan, Marines, Parris Island, 199-9x.
Stine man also was runner up to Aitken in the slow fire match with 193-6x with Hathan Arenson, Pensacola, doctor, third, 193-5x.
William Blankenship, Army, Fort Benning, fired a 297-20x score to win the Civilian Trophy match with William Mellon, Lackland, AFB, second, 295-14x, and Benner third 295-12x.
Matches scheduled today starting at 8 o'clock are the .38 caliber center fire events — timed, rapid, slow — and the police trophy match.
Tampa Tribune, Thursday, March 12, 1959
Cartes, Benner In Hot Duel For Pistol Crown
Tribune Sports Writer
Defending Champion David Cartes, a sharp-eyed Army lieutenant from Philadelphia, and M/Sgt. H. L. "Joe" Benner, ex-champ who is seeking his seventh title, are staging a down-to-the-wire battle for the National Mid-Winter Pistol Championship at the Tampa Police Pistol Range.
Cartes moved to the front in yesterday's center fire competition and took a slim lead over Benner in the race for the aggregate crown. Cartes, who won the slow fire event, his first of the current meeting, posted a total score for the two-day aggregate firing of 1743-60x. This gave him a repeat for the Mid-Winter All Center-Fire title.
This edged out Benner by two x's — the number of shoots hitting the direct center of the bullseye. The West Point firearms instructor also came through with his first triumph of the 28th annual event by winning the police trophy match.
Cartes' score in the slow fire event was 191-5x and Benner's in the trophy match, 291-8x. Scores, generally, were down slightly as high winds, and persistent morning rain took their toll among the 600 gunners.
Fred A. Grant, another Army shooter stationed with the Advanced Marksmanship Unit at Ft. Benning, Ga., held third place in the aggregate with 1741-68x. His victory yesterday in the rapid fire event (197-8x) kept him in the running for the aggregate championship which will be determined on today's .45 caliber firing starting at 8 o'clock. It was the second win for Grant.
One of the leading contenders in the attempt to break the Army's hold, William McMillan, a Marine from San Diego, won the timed fired match yesterday. His score for his second win of the meet 200-14x.
Grant's scores in yesterday's four matches gave him the Mid-Winter center-fire title with 865-32x, but his overall shooting failed to match the consistency of either Cartes or Benner.
Tampa Tribune, Friday, March 13, 1959
Cartes Retains Pistol Title; Marine Gunner Takes 2nd
Tribune Sports Writer
David Cartes, 29-year-old lieutenant stationed with the Army's Advanced Marksmanship Unit at Ft. Benning, Ga., captured his second straight National Mid-Winter Pistol Championship at the Tampa Police Pistol Range yesterday.
Firing brilliantly, the veteran of only four years shooting in registered competition compiled one of the meet's highest scores — 2616-94x — in the three-day individual matches.
Cartes, who led former champion M/Sgt. H. L. Benner by a slight margin entering yesterday's showdown, won two of the four events to retain the coveted crown and bolster his reign of the course at which his budding career began in 1956.
The interservice titlist captured the .45 caliber timed fire match with a 200-11x score and the rapid fire event with a score of 198-12x yesterday. It gave him three firsts, but his consistency throughout was the determining factor.
McMillan Second
Marine Corps Capt. William W. McMillan infringed on the Army's usual dominance of the top spots by winning second place in the aggregate. His 296-16x win in the national match course event yesterday boosted his final tabulation to 2607-121x.
William Blankenship, another AMU marksman, was third with 2604-113x.
With the aid of a new world's record of 198-5x in the slow fire match, Air Force Sgt. William H. Mellon confiscated fourth place with a total 2598-83x. The old record in this match was held by McMillan, a 198-4x, set at another course. Mellon's 876-31x in all four .45 caliber events was tops for the day and earned him that title.
Roy Ratliff, Army, Ft. Benning, placed fifth with 2588-89x.
Benner's hopes tumbled yesterday when he failed to detect an error on his scorecard before signing it in the slow fire event. The West Point pistol coach failed to finish among the top five, but trailed Cartes by only 1745-60x to 1743-58x entering yesterday's final rounds.
Five team events today wrap up the 28th annual event in which a record field of 610 gunners participated.
Tampa Tribune, Saturday, March 14, 1959
Army Blue Team Tops Shooters
The United States Army Blue team, composed of individual champion David Cartes, William Blankenship, H. L. Benner and Richard Stineman, won two events as the 28th annual National Mid-Winter Pistol Championships closed yesterday at the Tampa Police Pistol Range.
They fired a team total of 1169-5x in the .22 caliber, national match course Tampa Electric Co. trophy match and a 1157-50x in the center fire, NMC Tampa Tribune trophy match.
The Military Blue team won the Hav-A-Tampa trophy match for .45 caliber firearms with 1157-52x.
Cartes, from Philadelphia, captured his second straight aggregate championship with a score of 2616-94x Friday. William McMillan, Marines, San Diego, took second with 2607-121x and Blankenship, Ft. Benning, third with 2604-113x.
Lucille Chambliss, Winter Haven, again won the women's crown with a 2475-56x followed by Irma Tesch, Lawton, Okla., with 2467-43x. It was the third straight win for Miss Chambliss and her eighth championship in the past nine years.
Tournament Director Mrs. Merle Brown and Range Officer Cliff Bedingfield termed the meet the most successful ever because of the number of shooters and rigid competition. A record shooters participated.
Tampa Tribune, Sunday, March 15, 1959

William W. McMillan, USMC - 2nd Place Winner - Awarded a Ruger Mark I

.45 Caliber 'HAV-A-TAMPA' Trophy Team Winners
Camp Matthews MTU Blue High Military
Standing (l to r) 1stSgt Robert O. Jones and Capt William W. McMillan, Jr.
Kneeling (l to r) Acting SSgt Edmond S. Sarver and Acting SSgt Frank O. Wright

The Winning 'Rebel' Team
(Standing l to r) Peter W. Agnell, Fred A. Grant, Unknown, William W. McMillan Jr. Unknown, William H. Mellon, William A. Hancock, Huelet L. Benner and William B. Blankenship Jr. (kneeling l to r) Emil W. Heugatter, Lloyd J. Chewning and Floyd D. Oliver

The Marine Corps MTU 'Blue' Winning Team
.45 Caliber National Course Military Team Medal
Place | Division | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | David Cartes | USAMTU | 2616-94X |
2nd | - | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 2607-121X |
3rd | - | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 2604-113X |
4th | - | William H. Mellon | USAF | 2598-83X |
5th | - | Roy Ratliff | USAMTU | 2588-89X |
6th | - | William A. Hancock | USAMTU | 2586-91X |
7th | - | Richard M. Stineman | USAMTU | 2584-104X |
8th | - | Fred A. Grant | USAMTU | 2583-92X |
9th | - | Stanley N. Braithwaite | USAMTU | 2582-98X |
10th | - | Rocco Dilorenzo | USAMTU | 2580-78X |
High | Police | Harry E. Aitken | USBP | 2570-75X |
High | USMC | Frank O. Wright | USMC | 2562-90X |
High | USAF | John L. Keyser | USAF | 2554-80X |
High | USCG | Erwin F. Chase, Jr. | USCG | >2544-91X |
High | Civilian | Gil B. Hebard | Knoxville, IL | 2543-78X |
High | Reserve | Joe B. Maszk | Bunnell, FL | 2536-69X |
High | USN | Emmett D. King | USN | 2503-74X |
High | Women | Lucile W. Chambliss | Winter Haven, FL | 2475-56X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Team | .22 Caliber | Center-Fire | .45 Caliber | Score |
Winner | USA 'Blue' | 1169-54 | 1157-50 | 1152-38 | 3478-142X |
2nd | USBP 'Blue' | 1153-41 | 1148-48 | 1149-45 | 3450-134X |
3rd | USMC MTU 'Blue' | 1161-54 | 1126-32 | 1157-52 | 3444-138X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Team | Competitors | Score |
Winner | USMC MTU 'Blue' | William W. McMillan Edmond Sarver Robert O. Jones Frank O. Wright |
1157-52X |
2nd | USA 'Blue' | William B. Blankenship, Jr. William A. Hancock David Cartes Richard M. Stineman |
1152-38X |
3rd | USA 'Gray' | Stanley N. Braithwaite Fred A. Grant Roy Ratliff Maurice Belisle |
1151-43X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Team | Competitors | Score |
Winner | USA 'Blue' | Richard M. Stineman David Cartes William B. Blankenship, Jr. Huelet L. Benner |
1157-50X |
2nd | USBP 'Blue' | Elmer W. Hilden Stephen Webber Harry E. Aitken Presley A. O'Gren |
1148-48X |
3rd | USAF 'Blue' | David L. Miller John L. Keyser Fred E. McFarland William H. Mellon |
1148-31X |
11th | USMC MTU 'Blue' | William W. McMillan Robert O. Jones Michael Pietroforte Anthony Mucci |
1126-32X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Team | Competitors | Score |
Winner | USA 'Blue' | Richard M. Stineman Huelet L. Benner William B. Blankenship, Jr. David Cartes |
1169-54X |
2nd | USA 'Green' | Jackie W. Maple Antonio V. Soza Gora E. Elzworth P. P. Link |
1162-47X |
3rd | USMC MTU 'Blue' | R. O. Jones W. W. McMillan Michael Pietroforte Frank O. Wright |
1161-54X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | William H. Mellon | USAF | 876-31X |
2nd | - | - | David Cartes | USAMTU | 873-34X |
3rd | - | - | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 871-44X |
4th | - | - | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 867-28X |
5th | - | - | Arthur G. Ogden | USAMTU | 865-42X |
1st | - | Master | William A. Hancock | USAMTU | 864-26X |
2nd | - | Master | Rocco Dilorenzo | USAMTU | 862-30X |
3rd | - | Master | Frank O. Wright | USMC | 860-32X |
4th | - | Master | Edmond S. Sarver | USMC | 860-31X |
5th | - | Master | Aubrey E. Smith | USAMTU | 860-30X |
1st | Special | Master | Frank A. Wigmore | USMC | 827-18X |
2nd | Special | Master | Joe F. Gregory | Columbus, GA | 826-21X |
3rd | Special | Master | Richard C. Galloway | USAMTU | 826-20X |
4th | Special | Master | Robert Ross | USAR | 826-15X |
5th | Special | Master | Charles H. Beals | Kansas City, MO | 826-14X |
1st | - | Expert | James S. Canup | USAMTU | 830-24X |
2nd | - | Expert | Junior D. Meyer | Milton, FL | 827-14X |
3rd | - | Expert | Elroy K. Eifert | Illmo, MO | 826-22X |
4th | - | Expert | John B. Hubard | US Military Academy | 826-19X |
5th | - | Expert | Albert Kline, Jr. | Jacksonville, FL | 820-18X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Irvin W. Johnson | USMC | 829-12X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 803-18X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry A. Lucker | USA | 801-11X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Robert E. Vansell | USA | 795-16X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Ivy T. Anderson | USA | 789-12X |
1st | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 808-14X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 801-11X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Raymond P. Rodriguez | USA | 792-14X |
4th | - | Marksman | John G. Terracall, Jr. | Lake Worth, FL | 776-11X |
5th | - | Marksman | James C. Dean | USA | 775-14X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 801-14X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 760-10X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 745-10X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 296-16X |
2nd | - | - | William A. Hancock | USAMTU | 293-13X |
3rd | - | - | Fremont R. Burdick | USA | 292-11X |
4th | - | - | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 291-13X |
5th | - | - | Kenneth P. Dunn | USA | 290-07X |
1st | - | Master | Billy Howard | USMC | 289-11X |
2nd | - | Master | James W. Kurtz | USAMTU | 289-11X |
3rd | - | Master | David Cartes | USAMTU | 289-10X |
4th | - | Master | Arthur G. Ogden | USAMTU | 288-16X |
5th | - | Master | Kenneth E. Chasteen | USA | 288-10X |
1st | Special | Master | Allan C. Johns | Jacksonville, FL | 277-05X |
2nd | Special | Master | Phillip Ponserella | USA | 277-03X |
3rd | Special | Master | John A. Crosby | USAF | 276-10X |
4th | Special | Master | Joseph C. White, Jr. | USBP | 276-09X |
5th | Special | Master | Emmet D. King | USN | 276-09X |
1st | - | Expert | James S. Canup | USAMTU | 284-10X |
2nd | - | Expert | John B. Hubard | US Military Academy | 283-07X |
3rd | - | Expert | James N. Dean | USAMTU | 282-04X |
4th | - | Expert | Elroy K. Eifert | Illmo, MO | 280-10X |
5th | - | Expert | Donald H. Heskett | USA | 280-05X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Irvin W. Johnson | USMC | 283-03X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry A. Lucker | USA | 280-06X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Ivy T. Anderson | USA | 275-03X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | US Military Academy | 269-02X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Joseph W. Nakoa | Kailua, Terr. Hawaii | 268-08X |
1st | - | Marksman | Jimmy C. Blue | USA | 273-04X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Ernest E. O'Dell | USA | 270-04X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 269-03X |
4th | - | Marksman | Robert L. Petitjean | Versailles, OH | 266-04X |
5th | - | Marksman | James C. Dean | USA | 266-04X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 270-05X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 255-02X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 249-04X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | William H. Mellon | USAF | 198-05X |
2nd | - | - | Nathan Arenson | Pensacola, FL | 189-06X |
3rd | - | - | Edmond S. Sarver | USMC | 188-04X |
4th | - | - | John L. Davis, Jr. | USAMTU | 188-02X |
5th | - | - | Elmer W. Hilden | USBP | 187-08X |
1st | - | Master | William T. Toney, Jr. | USBP | 187-04X |
2nd | - | Master | Joe F. Gregory | Columbus, GA | 186-05X |
3rd | - | Master | Alvin J. Moore | USAMTU | 186-04X |
4th | - | Master | Glenn W. Zubler | South Bend, IN | 186-02X |
5th | - | Master | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 186-01X |
22nd | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 183-07X |
1st | Special | Master | B. Lysle Young | West Springfield, PA | 175-03X |
2nd | Special | Master | Stephen G. Webber | USBP | 175-03X |
3rd | Special | Master | Terrill M. Weaver | USA | 175-03X |
4th | Special | Master | Billy Howard | USMC | 175-02X |
5th | Special | Master | Erwin F. Chase, Jr. | USCG | 175-02X |
1st | - | Expert | Arsene LeBlanc, Jr. | USN | 185-06X |
2nd | - | Expert | O'Ryan O. Hinsley | USA | 183-03X |
3rd | - | Expert | E. L. Madsen | Pensacola, FL | 182-02X |
4th | - | Expert | Franklin C. Green | USAF | 182-01X |
5th | - | Expert | Clyde Gurley, Jr. | Tampa, FL | 181-08X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Irvin W. Johnson | USMC | 183-02X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Robert J. Schaeffer | USAF | 178-02X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | US Military Academy | 175-03X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Fred E. Bates | Kingston, NC | 174-04X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | James A. Hensley | Merritt Island, FL | 174-02X |
1st | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 178-03X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 174-00X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 172-01X |
4th | - | Marksman | Franklin A. Paronto | USA | 170-04X |
5th | - | Marksman | John G. Terracall, Jr. | Lake Worth, FL | 170-03X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 160-00X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 159-01X |
3rd | - | Unclasified | M. C. Taylor | Albany, GA | 157-02X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | David Cartes | USAMTU | 198-12X |
2nd | - | - | Aubrey E. Smith | USAMTU | 198-08X |
3rd | - | - | Arthur G. Ogden | USAMTU | 196-14X |
4th | - | - | Thaddus Sexton, Jr. | U.S. Army | 196-08X |
5th | - | - | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 196-07X |
1st | - | Master | Anthony Mucci | USMC | 196-06X |
2nd | - | Master | Herman D. Gano | USAMTU | 195-08X |
3rd | - | Master | Kenneth P. Dunn | USA | 194-09X |
4th | - | Master | Rocco Dilorenzo | USAMTU | 194-08X |
5th | - | Master | Don E. Evans | USA | 194-08X |
19th | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 193-08X |
1st | Speical | Master | Thomas C. Kelly | USAF | 187-03X |
2nd | Special | Master | Terrill M. Weaver | USA | 187-02X |
3rd | Special | Master | James Calgie | USA | 186-08X |
4th | Special | Master | Charles T. Goodroe | USA | 186-06X |
5th | Special | Master | Jackie W. Maple | USAMTU | 186-05X |
1st | - | Expert | B. F. Preston | Milton, FL | 191-06X |
2nd | - | Expert | William A. McDonald | USA | 190-03X |
3rd | - | Expert | Ralph W. Brunskill | USA | 189-07X |
4th | - | Expert | L. H. Borman | Tampa (Florida) Police | 189-05X |
5th | - | Expert | James C. Orange | USA | 188-05X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Paul L. Beatty | Key West, FL | 185-04X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 182-05X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry A. Lucker | USA | 181-02X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | William H. Altmiller | Pensacola, FL | 177-04X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Robert E. Vansell | USA | 176-04X |
1st | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 185-06X |
2nd | - | Marksman | J. E. Rittenhouse | USA | 179-04X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Howard R. Lockhart | USA | 176-02X |
4th | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 173-03X |
5th | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 171-03X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 185-06X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 175-02X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | Thomas W. Cannon | USA | 175-00x |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | David Cartes | USAMTU | 200-11X |
2nd | - | - | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 199-13X |
3rd | - | - | William H. Mellon | USAF | 199-12X |
4th | - | - | Elmer W. Hilden | USBP | 199-11X |
5th | - | - | Robert O. Jones | USMC | 199-06X |
1st | - | Master | Richard M. Stineman | USAMTU | 198-12X |
2nd | - | Master | Stanley N. Braithwaite | USAMTU | 198-11X |
3rd | - | Master | Burton L. Reid | USA | 198-10X |
4th | - | Master | Roy Ratliff | USAMTU | 198-09X |
5th | - | Master | Frank O. Wright | USMC | 198-08X |
1st | Special | Master | Joseph F. Farmarco | USA | 193-04X |
2nd | Special | Master | Harry E. Aitken | USBP | 193-04X |
3rd | Special | Master | Paul F. Miller | USMC | 193-04X |
4th | Special | Master | Bobby D. Harris | USA | 193-04X |
5th | Special | Master | Albert Blasco | USA | 193-04X |
1st | - | Expert | Nathaniel J. Lamirande | USA | 197-06X |
2nd | - | Expert | Kenneth E. Maas | USMC | 196-11X |
3rd | - | Expert | Arsene LeBlanc, Jr. | USN | 195-04X |
4th | - | Expert | John L. Hendrix | USAMTU | 193-04X |
5th | - | Expert | Alvin A. Turner | Fayetteville, NC | 193-04X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Robert E. Vansell | USA | 191-06X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 190-07X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Robert Foster | USAF | 189-03X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | William H. Altmiller | Pensacola, FL | 188-07X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Lawrence R. Paulus | USA | 187-05X |
1st | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 192-08X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Raymond P. Rodriquez | USA | 189-04X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Andrew T. Bowling | Fayetteville, NC | 186-05X |
4th | - | Marksman | William C. Godsey | New York, NY | 185-04X |
5th | - | Marksman | Donald V. Berning | Topeka, KS | 185-03X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 186-03X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 181-01X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | Bert A. Bankester | Jacksonville, FL | 174-04X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | David Cartes | USAMTU | 1743-60X |
2nd | - | - | Huelet L. Benner | USAMTU | 1743-58X |
3rd | - | - | Fred A. Grant | USAMTU | 1741-68X |
4th | - | - | Richard M. Stineman | USAMTU | 1738-74X |
5th | - | - | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 1737-85X |
1st | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 1736-7X7 |
2nd | - | Master | Harry E. Aitken | USBP | 1734-59X |
3rd | - | Master | Roy Ratliff | USAMTU | 1731-58X |
4th | - | Master | Stanley N. Braithwaite | USAMTU | 1725-67X |
5th | - | Master | Fred Schaser | USA | 1724-52X |
1st | Special | Master | Herman D. Gano | USAMTU | 1681-51X |
2nd | Special | Master | Allyn L. Clark | USAMTU | 1680-44X |
3rd | Special | Master | Raymond H. Wieland | Trenton, NJ | 1680-42X |
4th | Special | Master | Gaylord W. Ness | USA | 1680-39X |
5th | Special | Master | James C. Amos | Birmingham, AL | 1678-33X |
6th | Special | Master | William Medina | USA | 1678-33X |
1st | - | Expert | Herbert G. Wells | USAF | 1678-26X |
2nd | - | Expert | Norman P. Walters | Fostoria, OH | 1674-45X |
3rd | - | Expert | Robert M. Hays | USMC | 1672-38X |
4th | - | Expert | Kenneth E. Maas | USMC | 1672-29X |
5th | - | Expert | Bert Freedman | USN | 1671-41X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Charles Denis | Brooklyn, NY | 1630-22X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 1627-30X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | US Military Academy | 1623-37X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Irvin W. Johnson | USMC | 1614-31X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Jack H. Wise | Annapolis, MD | 1603-23X |
1st | - | Marksman | James C. Dean | USA | 1635-29X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 1634-34X |
3rd | - | Marksman | John G. Terracall, Jr. | Lake Worth, FL | 1630-25X |
4th | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 1622-40X |
5th | - | Marksman | Raymond P. Rodriquez | USA | 1614-26X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 1587-26X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 1561-23X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 1535-21 |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | Fred A. Grant | USAMTU | 865-32X |
2nd | - | - | Roy Ratliff | USAMTU | 865-30X |
3rd | - | - | David Cartes | USAMTU | 864-26X |
4th | - | - | Huelet L. Benner | USAMTU | 863-20X |
5th | - | - | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 860-37X |
1st | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 858-37X |
2nd | - | Master | Richard M. Stineman | USAMTU | 858-30X |
3rd | - | Master | Joe B. Maszk | Bunnell, FL | 858-28X |
4th | - | Master | Sidney Hinds, Jr. | USA | 856-28X |
5th | - | Master | Stanley N. Braithwaite | USAMTU | 856-24X |
1st | Special | Master | Clyde A. Ruebel | Olivia, MN | 826-16X |
2nd | Special | Master | Matthew L. Zarembka | South Bend, IN | 825-20X |
3rd | Special | Master | William E. Eubanks | USMC | 825-18X |
4th | Special | Master | William Medina | USA | 825-16X |
5th | Special | Master | John H. Lingle | Niagara, NC | 824-21X |
1st | - | Expert | Herbert G. Wells | USAF | 845-16X |
2nd | - | Expert | Carl L. Hull | USA | 833-19X |
3rd | - | Expert | Norman P. Walters | Fostoria, OH | 831-19X |
4th | - | Expert | James J. Golden | USA | 827-21X |
5th | - | Expert | Steven W. Toth | USA | 827-17X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 799-13X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Charles Denis | Brooklyn, NY | 796-12X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | John L. Hanley | USA Air Defense Command | 792-12X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Irvin W. Johnson | USMC | 788-13X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | James A. Hensley | Merritt Island, FL | 785-14X |
1st | - | Marksman | John G. Terracall, Jr. | Lake Worth, FL | 795-07X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Raymond P. Rodriquez | USA | 792-11X |
3rd | - | Marksman | James C. Dean | USA | 790-11X |
4th | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 789-09X |
5th | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 788-14X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 781-15X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 747-09X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 719-06X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | Huelet L. Benner | USAMTU | 291-08X |
2nd | - | - | James W. Kurtz | USAMTU | 289-10X |
3rd | - | - | Joe B. Maszk | Bunnell, FL | 289-09X |
4th | - | - | Kenneth P. Dunn | USA | 289-08X |
5th | - | - | Richard M. Stineman | USAMTU | 288-10X |
1st | - | Master | Ellis Lea | USA | 288-07X |
2nd | - | Master | Laurence K. Mosely | USAMTU | 287-16X |
3rd | - | Master | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 287-12X |
4th | - | Master | Roy Ratliff | USAMTU | 287-10X |
5th | - | Master | Gaylord W. Ness | USA | 287-10X |
28th | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 283-11X |
1st | Special | Master | Harold E. Wanek | USA | 277-05X |
2nd | Special | Master | Gora E. Elzworth | USAMTU | 277-05X |
3rd | Special | Master | Vincent Russo | Passaic, NJ | 277-05X |
4th | Special | Master | Leon D. Santman | USCG | 277-03X |
5th | Special | Master | Robert F. Blum | New Jersey NG | 276-09X |
1st | - | Expert | Herbert G. Wells | USAF | 289-06X |
2nd | - | Expert | Steven W. Toth | USA | 279-09X |
3rd | - | Expert | E. Z. Sandoval | USA | 278-07X |
4th | - | Expert | Earl W. Pettibone | USA | 277-11X |
5th | - | Expert | Leroy A. Clement | Pensacola, FL | 277-07X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | James A. Hensley | Merritt Island, FL | 269-04X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Irvin W. Johnson | USMC | 269-04X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry A. Lucker | USA | 269-02X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Charles Denis | Brooklyn, NY | 269-02X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Robert J. Schaeffer | USAF | 264-02X |
1st | - | Marksman | James C. Dean | USA | 271-05X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 271-02X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Franklin A. Paronto | USA | 270-05X |
4th | - | Marksman | Donald V. Berning | Topeka, KS | 266-04X |
5th | - | Marksman | Raymond P. Rodriquez | USA | 265-04X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 264-09X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | M. C. Taylor | Albany, GA | 239-00X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 237-01X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | David Cartes | USAMTU | 191-05X |
2nd | - | - | Fred A. Grant | USAMTU | 188-05X |
3rd | - | - | Sidney Hinds, Jr. | USA | 188-04X |
4th | - | - | William A. Hancock | USAMTU | 186-05X |
5th | - | - | Robert Ross | USAR | 185-05X |
1st | - | Master | Gordon L. Mack | Vincennes, IN | 185-02X |
2nd | - | Master | Gora E. Elzworth | USAMTU | 184-06X |
3rd | - | Master | John L. Fugedy | USAF | 184-05X |
4th | - | Master | Stephen G. Webber | USBP | 184-04X |
5th | - | Master | Presley A. O'Gren | USBP | 184-04X |
55th | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 179-04X |
1st | Special | Master | Don E. Evans | USA | 175-00X |
2nd | Special | Master | Harold R. Wilson | Fayetteville, NC | 174-05X |
3rd | Special | Master | Frank O. Wright | USMC | 174-04X |
4th | Special | Master | George R. Snavely | USA | 174-03X |
5th | Special | Master | Nathan Arenson | Pensacola, FL | 174-03X |
1st | - | Expert | John W. Turner | Arabi, LA | 184-02X |
2nd | - | Expert | Herbert G. Wells | USAF | 182-04X |
3rd | - | Expert | Carl L. Hull | USA | 181-03X |
4th | - | Expert | John C. Hooker | Glen Burnie, MD | 181-02X |
5th | - | Expert | Walker R. Lynch | USMC | 180-02X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | John L. DeWitt | USA | 180-03X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Lawrence R. Paulus | USA | 177-01X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Irvin W. Johnson | USMC | 176-03X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 174-03X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Robert E. Vansell | USA | 174-02X |
1st | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 178-05X |
2nd | - | Marksman | James E. Henry | USA | 175-01X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Franklin A. Paronto | USA | 174-05X |
4th | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 172-02X |
5th | - | Marksman | James C. Dean | USA | 171-01X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 167-01X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | M. C. Taylor | Albany, GA | 163-02X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 159-02X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | Fred A. Grant | USAMTU | 197-08X |
2nd | - | - | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 196-08X |
3rd | - | - | Phillip J. Ponserella | USA | 196-08X |
4th | - | - | Roy Ratliff | USAMTU | 196-05X |
5th | - | - | Arthur G. Ogden | USAMTU | 195-10X |
1st | - | Master | Jake Wise | Augusta, GA | 195-08X |
2nd | - | Master | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 194-09X |
3rd | - | Master | David Cartes | USAMTU | 194-07X |
4th | - | Master | Laurence K. Mosely | USAMTU | 194-07X |
5th | - | Master | William C. Joyner | USBP | 194-07X |
1st | Special | Master | Norman A. Browell | USA | 185-06X |
2nd | Special | Master | Irma Tesch | Lawton, OK | 185-05X |
3rd | Special | Master | William A. Hancock | USAMTU | 185-04X |
4th | Special | Master | Harold E. Wanek | USA | 185-04X |
5th | Special | Master | Jack D. Elliott | Fayetteville, NC | 185-04X |
1st | - | Expert | Arthur R. Young, Jr. | Decatur, GA | 192-05X |
2nd | - | Expert | Jerry A. Cole | Birmingham, AL | 191-05X |
3rd | - | Expert | Norman P. Walters | Fostoria, OH | 189-06X |
4th | - | Expert | Morgan C. Hutto | USCG | 189-04X |
5th | - | Expert | Nathaniel J. Lamirande | USA | 188-09X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | John L. Hanley | USA | 189-02X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 186-04X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Richard W. Pendell | USAMTU | 183-05X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Edward N. Jolly | USA | 182-05X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | David Splatt | Albany, GA | 180-03X |
1st | - | Marksman | Jimmy C. Blue | USA | 180-01X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Robert L. Petitjean | Versailles, OH | 178-02X |
3rd | - | Marksman | John G. Terracall, Jr. | Lake Worth, FL | 178-01X |
4th | - | Marksman | James E. Rittenhouse | USA | 177-02X |
5th | - | Marksman | Thomas R. Fisher | USAMTU | 176-05X |
1st | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 174-03X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 168-02X |
3rd |
- | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 153-03X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 200-14X |
2nd | - | - | Harry E. Aitken | USBP | 200-07X |
3rd | - | - | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 199-14X |
4th | - | - | Arthur G. Ogden | USAMTU | 199-09X |
5th | - | - | Roy Ratliff | USAMTU | 199-09X |
1st | - | Master | Emil W. Heugatter | USAMTU | 199-08X |
2nd | - | Master | Joseph C. White, Jr. | USBP | 199-08X |
3rd | - | Master | William Medina | USA | 199-07X |
4th | - | Master | William T. Toney, Jr. | USBP | 198-15X |
5th | - | Master | Melvin E. Mortimer | USA | 198-12X |
1st | Special | Master | Berry L. Meaux | USCG | 193-04X |
2nd | Special | Master | Eugene E. Fitch | El Reno, CA | 192-10X |
3rd | Special | Master | Jack D. Elliott | Fayetteville, NC | 192-09X |
4th | Special | Master | Harold E. Wanek | USA | 192-08X |
5th | Special | Master | Charles H. Beals | Kansas City, MO | 192-07X |
1st | - | Expert | Robert Parillo | Honolulu, Terr. Hawaii | 197-07X |
2nd | - | Expert | Morgan C. Hutto | USCG | 196-09X |
3rd | - | Expert | Carl L. Hull | USA | 195-08X |
4th | - | Expert | Clyde Gurley, Jr. | Tampa, FL | 195-04X |
5th | - | Expert | Albert Kline, Jr. | Jacksonville, FL | 194-07X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | US Military Academy | 199-03X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Richard L. Ganus | USA | 187-06X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Charles Denis | Brooklyn, NY | 186-06X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Robert Gallardo | USA | 185-05X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Frank Clifford | Rushville, IN | 185-04X |
1st | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 189-04X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Carl J. Wimmer | USA | 188-06X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 188-03X |
4th | - | Marksman | Johnny A. Quaglia | USMC | 188-02X |
5th | - | Marksman | William L. Danner | Mechanicsburg, PA | 187-07X |
1st | - | Unclassified | William J. Wolcott | USAMTU | 182-03X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 177-03X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 177-03X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | Harry E. Aitken | USBP | 882-34X |
2nd | - | - | Richard M. Stineman | USAMTU | 880-44X |
3rd | - | - | Huelet L. Benner | USAMTU | 880-38X |
4th | - | - | William H. Mellon | USAF | 880-34X |
5th | - | - | David Cartes | USAMTU | 879-34X |
1st | - | Master | Aubrey E. Smith | USAMTU | 879-29X |
2nd | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 878-40X |
3rd | - | Master | Fred Schaser | USA | 878-27X |
4th | - | Master | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 877-48X |
5th | - | Master | William A. Hancock | USAMTU | 876-42X |
1st | Special | Master | Garfield W. McMahon | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada | 857-32X |
2nd | Special | Master | Leslie F. Krueger | Adenton, MD | 857-30X |
3rd | Special | Master | Harold W. Barney | Tampa (Florida) Police | 857-30X |
4th | Special | Master | S. B. Hendrix | USBP | 857-29X |
5th | Special | Master | Ellis Lea | USA | 857-28X |
1st | - | Expert | Kenneth E. Maas | USMC | 861-18X |
2nd | - | Expert | Bert Freedman | USN | 857-29X |
3rd | - | Expert | Allyn J. Barr | USA | 857-27X |
4th | - | Expert | John H. Warwick | USA | 856-26X |
5th | - | Expert | Ralph W. Brunskill | USA | 855-24X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Michael D. Maynard | Annapolis, MD | 850-28X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | US Military Academy | 845-28X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Anthony R. Patti | USA | 839-22X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Jack H. Wise | Decatur, GA | 839-14X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Edward N. Jolly | USA | 835-16X |
1st | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 854-32X |
2nd | - | Marksman | John A. Scydick, Jr. | USA | 848-24X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 846-20X |
4th | - | Marksman | James C. Dean | USA | 845-18X |
5th | - | Marksman | William R. Wright | USA | 836-20X |
1st | - | Unclassified | Patrick J. Nelis | Annapolis, MD | 856-34X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Robert O. Hawkins, Jr. | Annapolis, MD | 830-15X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 816-15X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | William B. Blankenship, Jr. | USAMTU | 297-20X |
2nd | - | - | William H. Mellon | USAF | 295-14X |
3rd | - | - | Huelet L. Benner | USAMTU | 295-12X |
4th | - | - | William A. Hancock | USAMTU | 295-12X |
5th | - | - | Arthur G. Ogden | USAMTU | 295-11X |
1st | - | Master | Joseph C. White, Jr. | USBP | 294-10X |
2nd | - | Master | Fred Schaser | USA | 294-08X |
3rd | - | Master | Robert O. Jones | USMC | 293-13X |
4th | - | Master | Floyd D. Oliver | USAMTU | 293-05X |
5th | - | Master | Aubrey E. Smith | USAMTU | 292-12X |
30th | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 290-14X |
1st | Special | Master | Stanford T. Bozeman | USA | 286-08X |
2nd | Special | Master | Cuthbert P. Hutton | US Military Academy | 286-08X |
3rd | Special | Master | Antonio V. Soza | USAMTU | 286-08X |
4th | Special | Master | John S. McGinness | USAMTU | 286-08X |
5th | Special | Master | Elgin P. Carter | USAMTU | 286-07X |
1st | - | Expert | Lloyd W. Gay | USA | 290-10X |
2nd | - | Expert | Franklin C. Green | USAF | 287-10X |
3rd | - | Expert | Ralph W. Brunskill | USA | 287-08X |
4th | - | Expert | Homer C. Blake | USA | 286-09X |
5th | - | Expert | John L. Hendrix | USAMTU | 286-07X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Robert E. Vansell | USA | 285-07X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | US Military Academy | 283-09X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Anthony R. Patti | USA | 283-07X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | John L. DeWitt | USA | 282-12X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Jack H. Wise | Decatur, GA | 282-04X |
1st | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 285-08X |
2nd | - | Marksman | John G. Terracall, Jr. | Lake Worth, FL | 285-07X |
3rd | - | Marksman | John A. Scydick, Jr. | USA | 283-09X |
4th | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 283-09X |
5th | - | Marksman | James E. Rittenhouse | USA | 281-05X |
1st | - | Unclassified | Patrick J. Nelis | Annapolis, MD | 287-12X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Robert O. Hawkins, Jr. | Annapolis, MD | 279-05X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | M. C. Taylor | Albany, GA | 279-03X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | Harry E. Aitken | USBP | 193-06X |
2nd | - | - | Richard M. Stineman | USAMTU | 193-06X |
3rd | - | - | Nathan Arenson | Pensacola, FL | 193-05X |
4th | - | - | James C. Amos | Birmingham, AL | 193-03X |
5th | - | - | Aubrey E. Smith | USAMTU | 192-04X |
1st | - | Master | Presly A. O'Gren | USBP | 191-07X |
2nd | - | Master | John S. McGinness | USAMTU | 191-05X |
3rd | - | Master | John H. Lingle | Niagara, NC | 191-04X |
4th | - | Master | David Cartes | USAMTU | 191-03X |
5th | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 190-07X |
1st | Special | Master | Jake Wise | Augusta, GA | 183-01X |
2nd | Special | Master | Kenneth D. Hall | Longview, TX | 183-00X |
3rd | Special | Master | Alvin J. Moore | USAMTU | 182-06X |
4th | Special | Master | John Prehle | Augusta, GA | 182-05X |
5th | Special | Master | Lloyd Burchett | USAMTU | 182-04X |
1st | - | Expert | Kenneth E. Maas | USMC | 189-03X |
2nd | - | Expert | Vergil Placidi | Brunswick, GA | 187-04X |
3rd | - | Expert | Earl W. Pettibone | USA | 186-04X |
4th | - | Expert | Ed M. Murray | Miami, FL | 186-01X |
5th | - | Expert | Bert Freedman | USN | 184-02X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Michael D. Maynard | Annapolis, MD | 184-01X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Carl J. Agerbeck | USA | 182-06X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Jack H. Wise | Annapolis, MD | 180-02X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Bernard Sovitsky | USA | 180-02X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Albert G. Jenson | USAF | 178-05X |
1st | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 183-04X |
2nd | - | Marksman | James C. Dean | USA | 182-02X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 180-03X |
4th | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 179-04X |
5th | - | Marksman | Robert L. Petitjean | Versailles, OH | 179-04X |
1st | - | Unclassified | Patrick J. Nelis | Annapolis, MD | 181-03X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 179-02X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | Robert O. Hawkins, Jr. | Annapolis, MD | 177-01X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | James W. Kurtz | USAMTU | 200-08X |
2nd | - | - | Samuel W. Hunter | USAMTU | 200-07X |
3rd | - | - | William F. Dunnam | USMC | 199-09X |
4th | - | - | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 199-09X |
5th | - | - | Willis L. Mead | USAF | 199-07X |
1st | - | Master | Harry E. Aitken | USBP | 199-07X |
2nd | - | Master | Lawrence Sheppard | Kansas City, MO | 199-06X |
3rd | - | Master | George Buenfil | USMC | 199-05X |
4th | - | Master | Cody W. Lutz | USA | 198-12X |
5th | - | Master | Thaddeus Sexton, Jr. | USA | 198-12X |
1st | Special | Master | Ward S. Oakley | Clarksville, TN | 195-05X |
2nd | Special | Master | Albert Blasco | USA | 195-04X |
3rd | Special | Master | Steven Heu | Hawaii NG | 194-11X |
4th | Special | Master | William G. Wohlfarth | USCG | 194-11X |
5th | Special | Master | Harold W. Barney | Tampa (Florida) Police | 194-10X |
1st | - | Expert | John H. Warwick | USA | 198-11X |
2nd | - | Expert | Cyril J. Damon | USA | 197-07X |
3rd | - | Expert | Allyn J. Barr | USA | 196-09X |
4th | - | Expert | Vernon L. Thurston | USA | 196-08X |
5th | - | Expert | Arthur R. Young, Jr. | Decatur, GA | 196-08X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Michael D. Maynard | Annapolis, MD | 195-10X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | US Military Academy | 194-05X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 193-04X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Anthony R. Patti | USA | 192-09X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Reuben C. Boatwright | USA | 192-04X |
1st | - | Marksman | James C. Dean | USA | 194-05X |
2nd | - | Marksman | John A. Scydick, Jr. | USA | 194-04X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Jimmy C. Blue | USA | 194-03X |
4th | - | Marksman | Thomas R. Fisher | USAMTU | 193-08X |
5th | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 193-08X |
1st | - | Unclassified | Patrick J. Nelis | Annapolis, MD | 191-10X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Robert O. Hawkins, Jr. | Annapolis, MD | 187-04X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 187-03X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | Fred A. Grant | USAMTU | 200-15X |
2nd | - | - | Donald W. Jaynes | USAMTU | 200-13X |
3rd | - | - | Lucile W. Chambliss | Winter Haven, FL | 200-13X |
4th | - | - | Presley A. O'Gren | USBP | 200-13X |
5th | - | - | John H. Lingle | Niagara, NC | 200-12X |
1st | - | Master | Clarence R. Johnson | Hawaii NG | 200-12X |
2nd | - | Master | Charles H. Tipton | USA | 200-11X |
3rd | - | Master | Roy Ratliff | USAMTU | 200-10X |
4th | - | Master | Laurence K. Mosley | USAMTU | 200-07X |
5th | - | Master | Richard C. Galloway | USAMTU | 200-06X |
25th | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 199-10X |
1st | Special | Master | Michael Pietroforte | USMC | 196-13X |
2nd | Special | Master | Albert A. Geckle | USA | 196-12X |
3rd | Special | Master | Bill W. Collier | USMC | 196-11X |
4th | Special | Master | Herbert Roberts, Jr. | USAMTU | 196-11X |
5th | Special | Master | S. B. Hendrix | USBP | 196-11X |
- | Expert | Allyn J. Barr | USA | 199-10X | |
2nd | - | Expert | Earl W. Pettibone | USA | 198-10 |
3rd | - | Expert | Cyril J. Damon | USA | 198-09X |
4th | - | Expert | John Mike Weihs | Chicago, IL | 198-09X |
5th | - | Expert | Lloyd W. Gay | USA | 198-05X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | US Military Academy | 199-13X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Robert A. Wise | New York, NY | 196-07X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Charles Denis | Brooklyn, NY | 196-06X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Bernard Sovitsky | USA | 195-10X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Ivy T. Anderson | USA | 195-07X |
1st | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 197-12X |
2nd | - | Marksman | John A. Scydick, Jr. | USA | 196-09X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Raymond P. Rodriquez | USA | 195-06X |
4th | - | Marksman | Richard L. Whitaker | Largo, FL | 195-04X |
5th | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 194-07X |
1st | - | Unclassified | Patrick J. Nelis | Annapolis, MD | 197-09X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 193-07X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 190-05X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 298-17X |
2nd | - | - | Fred A. Grant | USAMTU | 296-13X |
3rd | - | - | William G. Horton | USA | 296-13X |
4th | - | - | Roy Ratliff | USAMTU | 295-13X |
5th | - | - | Fred E. McFarland | USAF | 295-09X |
1st | - | Master | William H. Mellon | USAF | 294-12X |
2nd | - | Master | Huelet L. Benner | USAMTU | 294-12X |
3rd | - | Master | Dave R. Bullington | Dyersburg, TN | 294-10X |
4th | - | Master | Gil B. Hebard | Knoxville, IL | 294-10X |
5th | - | Master | Michael Pietroforte | USMC | 293-15X |
1st | Special | Master | William C. Joyner | USBP | 286-10X |
2nd | Special | Master | Robert L. Jones | El Paso, TX | 286-10X |
3rd | Special | Master | John J. Barbernitz | New Hyde Park, NY | 286-10X |
4th | Special | Master | Richard C. Galloway | USAMTU | 286-10X |
5th | Special | Master | Ellis Lea | USA | 286-10X |
1st | - | Expert | John Mike Weihs | Chicago, IL | 291-08X |
2nd | - | Expert | Paul G. Pate | USNG | 288-11X |
3rd | - | Expert | Franklin C. Green | USAF | 288-08X |
4th | - | Expert | Earl W. Pettibone | USA | 288-06X |
5th | - | Expert | Carl L. Hull | USA | 288-06X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Irwin W. Johnson | USMC | 288-07X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Fred E. Bates | Kingston, NC | 285-06X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Charles Denis | Brooklyn, NY | 284-07X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Ivy T. Anderson | USA | 283-04X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Michael D. Maynard | Annapolis, MD | 282-05X |
1st | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 285-10X |
2nd | - | Marksman | William R. Wright | USA | 285-07X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 283-11X |
4th | - | Marksman | Thomas R. Fisher | USAMTU | 281-07X |
5th | - | Marksman | Raymond P. Rodriquez | USA | 279-09X |
1st | - | Unclassified | M. C. Taylor | Albany, GA | 281-07X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Patrick J. Nelis | Annapolis, MD | 281-05X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | Robert O. Hawkins, Jr. | Annapolis, MD | 277-02X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | Robert O. Jones | USMC | 499-33X |
2nd | - | - | William C. Joyner | USBP | 499-28X |
3rd | - | - | William T. Toney, Jr. | USBP | 499-27X |
4th | - | - | William H. Mellon | USAF | 498-33X |
5th | - | - | William A. Hancock | USAMTU | 498-27X |
6th | - | - | Harry E. Aitken | USBP | 498-28X |
7th | - | - | Richard M. Stineman | USAMTU | 497-33X |
8th | - | - | Huelet L. Benner | USAMTU | 497-29X |
1st | - | Master | Alvin J. Moore | USAMTU | 497-28X |
2nd | - | Master | Bobby D. Harris | USA | 497-27X |
3rd | - | Master | David Cartes | USAMTU | 497-27X |
4th | - | Master | Herbert Roberts, Jr. | USAMTU | 497-27X |
5th | - | Master | Robert L. Jones | El Paso, TX | 497-23X |
32nd | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 495-27X |
1st | - | Expert | James C. Orange | USA | 496-20X |
2nd | - | Expert | Earl W. Pettibone | USA | 495-26X |
3rd | - | Expert | Arsene LeBlanc, Jr. | USN | 493-17X |
4th | - | Expert | John L. Hendrix | USAMTU | 492-25X |
5th | - | Expert | Paul G. Pate | USNG | 492-20X |
6th | - | Expert | John T. Burke | USA | 489-21X |
7th | - | Expert | L. H. Borman | Tampa (Florida) Police | 488-19X |
8th | - | Expert | Steven W. Toth | USA | 488-18X |
9th | - | Expert | Bert Freedman | USN | 487-21X |
10th | - | Expert | Kenneth P. Brown | Columbus, GA | 487-17X |
11th | - | Expert | Nathaniel J. Lamirande | USA | 487-17X |
12th | - | Expert | Arthur E. Morris | Buffalo, NY | 487-16X |
13th | - | Expert | Norman P. Walters | Fostoria, OH | 486-21X |
14th | - | Expert | Edward S. Johnson | USAF | 486-20X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Harry A. Lucker | USA | 491-15X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | USMilitary Academy | 487-24X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Michael D. Maynard | Annapolis, MD | 486-16X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 483-15X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | John L. DeWitt | USA | 483-12X |
6th | - | Sharpshooter | Paul L. Beatty | Key West, FL | 482-19X |
1st | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 488-16X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 487-17X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 486-16X |
4th | - | Marksman | Raymond P. Rodriquez | USA | 481-16X |
5th | - | Marksman | Johnny A. Quaglia | USMC | 481-15X |
6th | - | Marksman | William R. Wright | USA | 481-12X |
7th | - | Marksman | Samuel E. Emerson | Surf City, NC | 480-19X |
8th | - | Marksman | Woodrow G. Howell | USA | 480-09X |
1st | - | Unclassified | Patrick J. Nelis | Annapolis, MD | 492-22X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | Robert O. Jones | USMC | 300-20X |
2nd | - | - | William H. Mellon | USAF | 300-19X |
3rd | - | - | William C. Joyner | USBP | 300-19X |
4th | - | - | Harry E. Aitken | USBP | 300-17X |
5th | - | - | Kenneth P. Dunn | USA | 299-19X |
1st | - | Master | Aubrey E. Smith | USAMTU | 299-19X |
2nd | - | Master | Alvin J. Moore | USAMTU | 299-19X |
3rd | - | Master | Joseph C. White, Jr. | USBP | 299-18X |
4th | - | Master | David Cartes | USAMTU | 299-18X |
5th | - | Master | Herbert Roberts, Jr. | USAMTU | 299-17X |
37th | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 296-21X |
1st | Special | Master | Haygood T. Tatum | USAMTU | 294-08X |
2nd | Special | Master | George W. Krause | USA | 294-05X |
3rd | Special | Master | Charles H. Tipton | USA | 293-16X |
4th | Special | Master | Gerald E. Jones | USA | 293-16X |
5th | Special | Master | Karnig Surabian | USA | 293-14X |
1st | - | Expert | Earl W. Pettibone | USA | 298-17X |
2nd | - | Expert | James C. Orange | USA | 297-14X |
3rd | - | Expert | Arsene LeBlanc, Jr. | Lynnhaven, VA | 296-12X |
4th | - | Expert | John L. Hendrix | USAMTU | 294-14X |
5th | - | Expert | Paul G. Pate | USNG | 294-12X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Harry A. Lucker | USA | 294-11X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Michael D. Maynard | Annapolis, MD | 291-12X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Harry L. Roy | USMC | 291-09X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | John L. DeWitt | USA | 291-08X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Nolan T. Armond | Pensacola, FL | 290-07X |
1st | - | Marksman | Johnny A. Quaglia | USMC | 293-12X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Spencer L. Gilliard | USAMTU | 293-11X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 290-11X |
4th | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 289-06X |
5th | - | Marksman | Robert L. Petitjean | Versailles, OH | 287-12X |
1st | - | Unclassified | Patrick J. Nelis | Annapolis, MD | 294-13X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Robert O. Hawkins, Jr. | Annapolis, MD | 294-13X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | Gene Jones | Albany, GA | 284-05X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Division | Class | Competitor | Agency/Service | Score |
Winner | - | - | Antonio V. Soza | USAMTU | 200-17X |
2nd | - | - | John H. Lingle | Niagara, NC | 200-15X |
3rd | - | - | William T. Toney, Jr. | USBP | 200-14X |
4th | - | - | Donald W. Jaynes | USAMTU | 200-14X |
5th | - | - | Paul S. Bloxom | USA | 200-13X |
1st | - | Master | Richard M. Stineman | USAMTU | 200-13X |
2nd | - | Master | Frank Koenig | USAR | 200-12X |
3rd | - | Master | Frank O. Wright | USMC | 200-12X |
4th | - | Master | Richard H. Pate | USA | 200-12X |
5th | - | Master | Jefferson J. Fell | - | 200-12X |
47th | - | Master | William W. McMillan, Jr. | USMC MTU | 199-06X |
1st | Special | Master | Terrill M. Weaver | USA | 197-10X |
2nd | Special | Master | Hugh W. McMahon | Colonial Heights, VA | 197-10X |
3rd | Special | Master | John S. McGinness | USAMTU | 197-09X |
4th | Special | Master | Berry L. Meaux | USCG | 197-09X |
5th | Special | Master | William R. Huckabay | USA | 197-09X |
1st | - | Expert | Buford B. Cobb | USA | 199-13X |
2nd | - | Expert | James C. Orange | USA | 199-06X |
3rd | - | Expert | John L. Hendrix | USAMTU | 198-11X |
4th | - | Expert | William R. Sharp | Pennington, NJ | 198-10X |
5th | - | Expert | Paul G. Pate | USNG | 198-08X |
1st | - | Sharpshooter | Harry K. Bayless | US Military Academy | 198-13X |
2nd | - | Sharpshooter | Robert Foster | USAF | 198-07X |
3rd | - | Sharpshooter | Robert Evansell | - | 197-10X |
4th | - | Sharpshooter | Harry A. Lucker | USA | 197-04X |
5th | - | Sharpshooter | Donald Elliott | Fayetteville, NC | 196-08X |
1st | - | Marksman | Andrew N. Jackson | USA | 199-10X |
2nd | - | Marksman | Richard D. Lake | USA | 197-06X |
3rd | - | Marksman | Woodrow G. Howell | USA | 197-05X |
4th | - | Marksman | Ernest E. O'Dell | USA | 196-09X |
5th | - | Marksman | Raymond P. Rodriguez | USA | 195-08X |
1st | - | Unclassified | Patrick J. Nelis | Annapolis, MD | 198-09X |
2nd | - | Unclassified | Robert O. Hawkins, Jr. | Annapolis, MD | 194-03X |
3rd | - | Unclassified | James F. Brady, Jr. | Savannah, GA | 193-03X |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin
Place | Team | Competitors | Time |
Winner | Rebel | Peter W. Agnell (Team Leader), Fred A. Grant, Wm W. McMillan Jr., William H. Mellon William A. Hancock, Huelet L. Benner, William B. Blankenship Jr. Emil Heugatter, Lloyd J. Chewning, Floyd D. Oliver and 1 unknown |
- |
2nd | Yankee | Perry D. Swindler (Team Leader), Richard M. Stineman, John C. Forman Presley A. O'Gren, Harry E. Aitken, Elmer W. Hilden and 5 unknown |
- |
Source: The Pistoleer Bulletin