Lauchheimer Trophy (Silver), Inter-Division Pistol Team
and Elliott Trophy Badges

Two of the top shooters in the Marine Corps, 2ndLt. William W. McMillan (left), and LtCol. Walter R. Walsh, compare scores following a practice session prior to the opening of the Marine Corps Rifle and Pistol Matches here. Lt. McMillan, a member of the 1952 American Olympic Team, shoots with Parris Island Marine team. Colonel Walsh, was the National Match Rifle Champion in 1952, and is shooting on the 2nd Marine Division Team.
Photo by MSgt. A. L. Bender
Quantico Sentry, May 27, 1954
Marine Corps Rifle, Pistol Matches Begin
Over 400 of the Marine Corps' top rifle and pistol shooters have converged on the Calvin A. Lloyd Rifle Range at Quantico to take part in the annual Marine Corps rifle and pistol competition.
Among the distinguished shooters present for the matches is 2d Lt. William W. McMillan of Parris Island.
The competitions which began last Monday will run through June 3 and in addition to the many divisions and inter-divisions matches, firing will be conducted for the Elliott and Wirgman Team Trophy and the Lauchheimer Trophy.
The Lauchheimer Trophy is awarded to the shooter who attains the highest aggregate score with both rifle and pistol during the Marine Corps Matches proper.
The Elliott and Wirgman Team Trophy Match is open to teams from Marine Corps posts and stations and consists of firing the rifle match course twice. An interesting sidelight of this match is that it affords an opportunity for relatively "unknown" shooters to gain recognition. One of the eligibility requirements is that each team have one enlisted shooter who has never before competed as a principal in any Elliott, San Diego, Wirgman or Inter-Division Rifle Match, or has been a shooting member of the Marine Corps National Rifle Team.
In last year's competitions, Marine Barracks, U. S. Naval Station, Annapolis, Md., won the first place billet in the Wirgman match, and the Lauchheimer Trophy was copped by Lt. Robert E. Martin of the 3d Marine Division.
The Parris Island Boot, Friday, May 28, 1954
PI Shooters Cop Elliott Cup Match
Parris Island's rifle and pistol team captured the Elliott Trophy at the Marine Corps rifle and pistol competition held at Quantico by outshooting a strong Quantico team, 2220 to 2218.
The Parris Island shooters overcame a five point margin held by the Quantico shooters in the first stages of the competition. Quantico led at the end of the first stage 1112 to PI's 1107.
The Elliott Trophy Match is open to teams from Marine Corps posts and stations and consists of firing the rifle match course twice.
An interesting sidelight of the match is that if affords an opportunity for relatively "unknown" shooters to gain recognition. One of the eligibility requirements is that each team have one enlisted shooter who has never before competed as a principal in any Elliott, San Diego, Wirgman or Inter-Division Rifle Match, or has been a shooting member of the Marine Corps National Rifle Team.
This year, Parris Island sent along an "unknown" Pfc. T. E. Brewer of the Weapons Training Battalion. Young Brewer amazed the old timers' at the match with his outstanding shooting.
Firing from the 600 yard line, Brewer has a 97 including a 3.
Parris Island won the match the second time around form the 600 yard line.
Of the four members of the winning team, three shooters are from the Wpns. Trng. Bn; Pfc. T. E. Brewer, MSgt. J. A. Fowler and 2d Lt. W. W. McMillan. The fourth member, a drill instructor was Sgt. A. A. Estes.
The big match, the team that will fire in the Camp Perry Match will arrive here next week to begin a long and extensive training period.
Members of the Marine Corps Team who will fire in the Ohio Match are selected from the outstanding shooters who participated in the Marine Corps rifle and pistol competition.
Eight Parris Island shooters have been selected to represent the Marine Corps this year. These include: Maj. James K. Young; 2d Lt. William W. McMillan, Pfc. Samuel H. Battin; Pfc. Thomas E. Brewer; Sgt. Albert A. Estes; MSgt. John A. Fowler; Pfc. Richard D. Hopkins; and Pfc. Theron H. Rinehart.
The Parris Island Boot, Friday, June 4, 1954

LAUCHEIMER TROPHY WINNER—Second Lieutenant William W. McMillan, of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C., shot an 1113 out of a possible 1200 to win second place in the Laucheimer Trophy Competition at the Quantico Marine Base. Lt. McMillan, one of the Marine Corps finer marksman.

LAUCHEIMER TROPHY WINNERS — The three winners of the Lauchheimer Trophy competition in the Marine Corps Matches, placing first second and third positions from left to right: Lieutenants Robert E. Martin; William W. McMillan and Joe P. Taylor. This is the second consecutive year that Lt. Martin has won the Lauchheimer Trophy.

LAUCHEIMER TROPHY PRESENTATION — General Van Orden, USMC, (Retired) (left) presented the Lauchheimer Trophy to the winners of the Marine Corps Rifle and Pistol Matches held at the Calvin A. Lloyd Range, Quantico, Va. left to right: General Van Orden, First Lieutenant Robert E. Martin, Second Lieutenant William W. McMillan and First Lieutenant Joe P. Taylor, first, second and third place winners respectively.

With upraised fingers signifying their place in this year's Lauchheimer Trophy Competition are (left) winner 1stLt. Robert E. Martin, (center) second place winner 2ndLt. William W. McMillan and (right) third, 1stLt. Joe P. Taylor.
Lauchheimer Trophy Won By Lieut. Martin; Taylor Sets
Marine Corps Pistol Record
Possession of the coveted Lauchheimer Trophy, awarded to the best rifle and pistol shot in the Marine Corps, went to 1stLt. Robert E. Martin of 29 Palms, Calif., last week on the strength of his 1120x1200 aggregate score during the competitions at the Calvin A. Lloyd range. This is the second straight year that the sharp-shooting lieutenant has won the cup.
Second place was won by 2ndLt. William W. McMillan of MCRD, Parris Island, with 1113x1200, and third place went to 1stLt. Joe P. Taylor who fired 1110x1200.
First Lieutenant Taylor came in for his share of honors when he established a new Marine Corps pistol record by firing a 560x600 in the Marine Pistol Competitions. His score shattered the old record of 557x600 set last year by 1stLt. Martin.
Lieutenant Taylor also outshot all competitors in the Eastern Division Rifle and Pistol Matches, winning both events with scores of 562x600 with the rifle, and 540x600 with the pistol.
In the Rifle Competitions held on May 25 and 26, top honors went to 1stLt. C. A. Folsom of Camp Pendleton, who fired a winning score of 567x600.
The final stage of the Rifle Team Match was fired this morning. Awards to the winners will be made this afternoon.
The award presentation ceremonies are scheduled for 3:00 p.m. and will be attended by the competitors, match officials and guests. The Marine Corps Schools Band will furnish music and LtCol. Samuel A. Johnston, Jr., will be Master of Ceremonies.
The match officials were LtCol. Samuel A. Johnstone, Jr., Executive Officer; Maj. Walter E. G. Godenius, Chief Range Officer; Maj. Robert A. Morehead, Chief Pit Officer; Capt. Arthur O. Fitz, Statistical Officer.
Photo by MSgt. A. L. Bender
Unknown news article, June 1954
Awarding Of Trophies And Medals
Climaxes '54 Marine Corps Rifle, Pistol Matches
It was shades of the Old Corps last Thursday as Marines marksmen from the past and present gathered at the Calvin A. Lloyd rifle range to honor the winners of the Marine Corps pistol and rifle matches, which ended here last week.
The competition, which brought together the best aggregation of shooters in the Corps, commenced on May 17 and ran through last Thursday.
The heated competition was kindled even more by the prospects that some of the shooters would earn a year's lease on one of the coveted trophies in recognition of his marksmanship.
The ceremonies climaxing the seventeen day event were fitting in that they brought together well known personalities and shooters from other years. It was a new role for most of the guests, for instead of receiving, they were presenting the trophies and awards, this time.
Lieutenant General Clifton B. Cates, Commandant, Marine Corps Schools, initiated the afternoon program with a brief, personnel message, to the assembled, on the importance of the Marine rifleman in future "pushbutton" wars. He said that the atomic bomb and other scientific weapons which have been developed are only the supporting arms for the rifleman; thereby stressing the need for marksmanship in the Marine Corps.
Following his talk LtGen. Cates introduced BrigGen. T. A. Wornham, who appeared on behalf of General Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr., Marine Commandant. Gen. Wornham read a letter from the commandant to the to the group commending them for their spirit and congratulating the various winners.
With the completion of the Commandant's message, MajGen. Merritt A. Edson, USMC (ret) was introduced. The former head of the famed Raider Battalion, which bore his name, made the first of some one hundred and ninety awards that were presented.
General Edson had the honor of awarding the Eastern Division Rifle Competition medals and also the Marine Corps Rifle Competition awards.
Major Arthur A. Compton, USMC (ret), was the next guest to take part in the activities when he stepped forward and presented the medals to the winners of the Eastern Division Pistol Competition.
The Marine Corps Pistol Competition medals were passed out by BrigGen. Littleton, W. T. Waller, USMC (ret).
The General, a onetime Olympic rifle shooter, expressed awe and admiration, for what he termed, "anyone who can shoot with only one hand."
Next in order was the presentation of the famed Lauchheimer trophy by BrigGen. George O. Van Orden, USMC (ret), to 1stLt. Robert E. Martin. The lieutenant, who is attached to Force Troops Artillery, Twenty-nine Palms, California, captured the prize for the second year in a row by shooting the highest composite score in both the pistol and rifle competition.
Second Lieutenant William W. McMillan received the second place silver medal, and 1stLt. Joe P. Taylor took the bronze medal for place and show in the Lauchheimer scoring.
Major Horace W. Card, Jr., representing the four-man Parris Island entry, accepted the Elliott Trophy from LtGen. Julian C. Smith, USMC (ret), on behalf of the South Carolina team. Competition for this well known award is limited to the larger Marine Corps installations of over two hundred and fifty men.
Captain Thomas F. Joyce, USMC (ret) made the presentation of the Wirgman trophy. This cup which was taken by the Annapolis team is the counter-part of the Elliott Trophy, in that only detachments of under 250 men are eligible to vie for its possession.
Major General Edwin A. Pollock joined the ceremonies to congratulate and award 1stLt. C. A. Folsom, the winner of the Marine Corps Rifle Competition, and the McDougal trophy. Lieutenant Folsom, of Camp Pendleton, took the matches, but only after a close finish with 1stLt. R. E. Martin and Capt. T. R. Mitchell who finished second and third respectively. The aggregate score for all three was identical, but Lt. Folsom was named the winner by virtue of his higher rapid fire score.
First Lieutenant Joe P. Taylor, Marine Barracks, Clarksville, Tennessee, walked off with the Marine Corps Pistol Trophy, after firing a total of 560 x 600. Lieutenant Taylor spend most of the afternoon parading to the winners circle to collect his awards, as he won first place in three events and was pushing the other shooters in the ones he didn't win. Major General Robert O. Bare presented the pistol trophy to him.
Lieutenant General Clifton B. Cates presented the Inter-Division Rifle Trophy and medals to the Western Division team which won the event. Team captain, Major George Kross, accepted the trophy for the team.
The Southeastern Division team which won the Inter-Division Pistol Matches received their medals and trophy from Col. R. B. Luckey, Chief of Staff, Marine Corps Schools.
Following the presentation of trophies and medals, came the distribution of the distinguished rifle and pistol badges, and certificates to the outstanding competitors.
Eastern Division Distinguished Rifle badges were presented by Col. C. O. Bierman and the Pistol awards were presented by BrigGen. T. A. Wornham and Col. R. E. Honsowetz, while the Southeastern and Western Division badges were given to the competitors by Col. W. F. Prickett and 1stLt. C. A. Mudd. Colonel L. O. Williams awarded the Distinguished Competitors certificates.
Below are listed the top three shooters in each event and the winning team members.
Eastern Division Rifle
First Lieutenant Joe P. Taylor
Captain Fred J. Fees
Staff Sergeant Robert H. Blackett
Eastern Division Pistol
First Lieutenant Joe P. Taylor
Tech. Sergeant Joaquin Gomez
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Y. Stratton
Marine Corps Rifle Competition
First Lieutenant Charles A. Folsom
First Lieutenant R. E. Martin
Captain T. R. Mitchell
Marine Corps Pistol Competition
First Lieutenant Joe P. Taylor
Second Lieutenant W. W. McMillan
Sergeant D. D. Thorne
Elliott Trophy Winners
Parris Island Team: Private First Class Thomas E. Brewer, Sergeant Albet A. Estes
Master Sergeant John A. Fowler and Second Lieutenant William W. McMillan.
Wirgman Trophy Winners
Annapolis Team: Private First Class Frank L. Reynolds, Sergeant William M. Heazlit
Master Sergeant Anthony W. Dumsha and CWO Leslie D. Sawyer.
Inter-Division Pistol
Southeastern Division Team: Captain Gordon B. McPherson, Second Lieutenant William W. McMillan, Master Sergeant John A. Fowler, Captain Thomas R. Mitchell
and Lieutenant Colonel Walter R. Walsh.
Inter-Division Rifle
Western Division Team: Tech. Sergeant William C. Roach, First Lieutenant Robert E. Martin
Staff Sergeant V. D. Mitchell, First Lieutenant Charles A. Folsom and Sergeant Paul Dudash.
Congratulations are in order to LtCol. Samuel A. Johnstone, Officer in Charge of the rifle range, and his staff for their efficient supervision of the matches and the scoring.
Quantico Sentry, June 10, 1954

LtGen. Julian C. Smith, USMC (Ret.), presents the famed Elliott Trophy to Maj. Horace W. Card, team captain of the Parris Island team which won the rifle team competition. Members of the team are (l. to r.) MSgt. John A. Fowler, Lieut. William W. McMillan, Gen. Smith, Maj. Card, Sgt. Albert Estes, Pfc Thomas E. Brewer and the team coach, TSgt. Jesse A. Davenport.
Photo by MSgt. A. L. Bender
Quantico Sentry, June 10, 1954
Top Marine Shooters Vie For National Team Berth
The Marines' "big team," featuring some of the top rifle and pistol shooters in the nation, arrived on the Island this week to undergo intensive training for match competition.
A total of 119 members are here, with 70 of them to be selected as Marine representatives in the national matches at Camp Perry, Ohio in August.
Maj. James K. Young, executive officer of Weapons Battalion and team manager, said 49 rifleman and 21 pistol shooters will compete in the nationals.
In addition, the major said, an international squad is practicing at the range. He reported that members are striving for places on the international team which will fire at matches in Venezuela in November.
Taking a glance into the future, Maj. Young declared, "We have a very good squad this year, and I expect it to do well in the nationals. The Marines have a reputation to uphold, you know."
The major also called attention to new eligibility rules now being enforced by the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice.
The change in rules stipulates that the shooter on any national trophy team may fire only two of the three years preceding the present year's match.
As a result, such outstanding Marine marksmen as Capt. Victor F. Brown, MSgt. Maxin R. Beebe and SSgt. Michael Pietroforte will be sidelined this year.
However, Maj. Young pointed out that he does not expect harmful results to the Marine team as a result of the ruling. He noted that the Marines have employed a similar requirement in their Elliott and Wirgman Trophy Matches at Marine Corps wide competition each spring.
The Elliott Trophy won by Parris Island this year, is awarded annually to the top team among Marine installations with 300 or more Marines. The Wirgman Trophy, copped by the Annapolis detachment this spring, goes to the outstanding team from installations with less than 300 Marines.
Because of this system, the Marine Corps annually develops new, young outstanding shooters, the major declared,. He stated: "We feel that we are not any worse off than other services and better off than some who each year perform with the same top marksmen."
Last year, the Marines walked away with everything but the rifle range at the nationals when they easily outdistanced the Army, Navy and other competing teams.
Maj. Young singled out 1st Lt. Charles A. Folsom as a new shooter with a bright future in match competition. He said the lieutenant was among several "good prospects" in the 119-man squad.
Parris Island has contributed seven members of the "big team" in addition to Maj. Young. They are 2d Lt. William W. McMillan, MSgt. John A. Fowler, Sgt. Albert A. Estes and Pfc's. Samuel H. Battin, Thomas E. Brewer, Richard D. Hopkins and Theron H. Rinehart.
Four of the group were members of the Island team which copped the Elliott Trophy. They are Lt. McMillan, Sgt. Fowler, Sgt. Estes and Pfc. Brewer.
In addition, Lt. McMillan shot 1,113 out of a possible 1,200 to win second place in Lauchheimer Trophy Competition (pistol) at the Quantico event.
Maj. Young reported that, for the most part, this week has been used for shooters to draw gear and to prepare, generally, for the practice sessions.
He also noted that a dispatch used by The BOOT last stated that a new Marine Corps record had been set at Quantico by 1st Lt. Joe T. Taylor of Marine Barracks, Clarksville, Tenn.
However, the mark was not a new Marine record, but a new Marine Corps match record. The score compiled by Lt. Taylor -- 560 out of 600 -- has been surpassed at other competition by three members of the "big team" -- 1st Lt. M. C. Owens, 563; MSgt. R. C. Cox, 568 and TSgt. Raymond Becker, 566.
The Parris Island Boot, Friday, June 11, 1954

Maj. Horace W. Card, Jr., team captain presents the Elliott Trophy to Maj. Gen. Merwin H. Silverthorn, commanding general, at a ceremony last Monday. Looking on are, left to right, TSgt. Jessie A. Davenport, team coach, and 2d Lt. W. W. McMillan, MSgt. John A. Fowler, Sgt. Albert A. Estes and Pfc. Thomas Brewer, team members. The Island won the trophy at the Marine Corps Rifle and Pistol Matches.
Elliott Trophy Won By Islanders Formally Presented to General
The Elliott Trophy, top team award at Marine Corps Matches for an installation with more than 300 Marines, was formally presented to Maj. Gen. Merwin H. Silverthorn, commanding general, at a ceremony in his office last Monday.
Maj. Gen. Horace W. Card Jr., team captain, made the presentation at an event attended by team members and coach.
Gen. Silverthorn announced that the trophy will be on display during the year in the trophy case at Weapons Battalion.
Maj. Card stressed the winning of the high honor was a result of close team cooperation and effort. He praised the role of TSgt. Jesse A. Davenport, coach, in the winning of the award.
Team members were 2d Lt. William W. McMillan, who fired 567; MSgt. John A. Fowler, with a mark of 559; Sgt. Albert A. Estes, who scored 551, and Pfc. Thomas Brewer, whose mark was 543.
In winning the award, the Island shooters topped a strong Quantico squad, 2,220 to 2,218. All four members of the team now are with the Marine Corps "big team," practicing here for the national matches in August.
The matches in May marked the first Marine Corps-wide competition for Pfc. Brewer, who's remarkable firing amazed veteran shooters.
The Elliott Trophy Match consists of firing the rifle match course twice. In winning the honor, Parris Island overcame a five-point lead held by Quantico at the conclusion of firing the course once.
This marks the 12th time Parris Island has captured the trophy. It was won for the first time in 1910.
The Parris Island Boot, Thursday, July 1, 1954

Rank | Name | Station | Score |
1 | 1stLt. Charles A. Folsom | HqCo, Hq Bn Camp Pendleton, Ca. |
567 |
2 | 1stLt. Robert E. Martin | Force Troops, Artillery Twentynine Palms, Ca. |
567 |
3 | Captain Thomas R. Mitchell | MCRD Parris Island, S.C. |
567 |
4 | - | - | - |
6 | - | - | - |
7 | - | - | - |
8 | - | - | - |
9 | - | - | - |
10 | - | - | - |
26 | 2dLt. William W. McMillan, Jr. | MCRD Parris Island, S.C. |
554 |
45 | 1stLt. Joe P. Taylor | BCO, MB Clarksville, Tenn |
550 |
Rank | Name | Station | Score |
1 | 1stLt. Joe P. Taylor | BCO, MB Clarksville, Tenn. |
560 |
2 | 2dLt. William W. McMillan, Jr. | MCRD Parris Island, S.C. |
559 |
3 | Sgt. Donald D. Thorne | 1st Mar Div, FMF San Francisco, Ca. |
- |
4 | - | - | - |
5 | - | - | - |
6 | - | - | - |
7 | - | - | - |
8 | - | - | - |
9 | - | - | - |
10 | - | - | - |
Rank | Name | Station | Rifle | Pistol | Score |
1 | 1stLt. Robert E. Martin | Force Troops, Artillery Twentynine Palms, Ca. |
567 | 556 | 1123 |
2 | 2dLt. William W. McMillan, Jr. | MCRD Parris Island, S.C. |
554 | 559 | 1113 |
3 | 1stLt. Joe P. Taylor | BCO, MB Clarksville, Tenn. |
550 | 560 | 1110 |
Rank | Service Branch/Agency | Score |
1 | Western Division Team - |
- |
2 | - - |
- |
Rank | Service Branch/Agency | Score |
1 | Southeastern Division Pistol Team W. R. Walsh, T. R. Mitchell, G. B. McPherson, W. W. McMillan & J. A. Fowler |
1370 |
2 | - - |
- |
Rank | Service Branch/Agency | Score |
1 | MCRD Parris Island Rifle Team W. W. McMillan, J. A. Fowler, A. A. Estes & T. E. Brewer |
2220-92X |
2 | Quantico Rifle Squad - |
2218 |