36th World Shooting Championships
By Arthur C. Jackson and Philip C. Roettinger
Sinful taxi drivers don't go to hell when they die; they go to Caracas, Venezuela, where blowing an automobile horn brings a snappy hundred buck fine! The reward for godly shooters, however, is eternity in that wonderful city firing on one of the world's finest ranges with a superb rifle and an unlimited supply of ammunition.
To the members of the U.S. International Shooting Team, the 36th World Shooting Championships consisted of a series of events, amusing and tragic, most of which are not reflected in the match bulletins or the newspaper accounts. From the time the team stepped from the big MATS plane after landing Maiquetia airfield on the coast of Venezuela, to be welcomed by Lt. Col. Gerry Armitage and Lt. Col. Jim Daly of the American group on duty there, these events took place rapidly.
First came a wild ride up the famous autopista (turnpike to you) through the city of Caracas in a bus driven by a man who would undoubtedly make short shrift of the Grand Prix racing circuits of Europe paced by an equally efficient motorcycle escort. The team arrived at the Hotel Tamanaco, the showplace of Latin America which had been selected as headquarters by Team Captain Frank Parsons.
In the meetings which followed, Frank explained how the team should act in this foreign country, what it should eat and drink in order to keep in top condition, and generally what the shooting procedure would be. In an attempt to prevent the common tourist ailment of Latin America, know to some as the 'green apple quick-step', Frank had provided bottled distilled water for the team consumption. The waitresses of the hotel dining room never quite figured this out, raising their eyebrows and shrugging their shoulders at the crazy gringos, but out of the whole team only pistol shooter Offut Pinion became a casualty, which is indeed a record of some sort.
A boom city
After recovering from the first impressions of the fabulous boom city of Caracas, with its ultra-modern construction and fantastic prices, the team reported to the range for practice. Each team had a military bus assigned to it for transportation to and from the range. In our case it was a six-mile trip from the hotel into the 'military valley' in which was located the military school, the $9,000,000 officers' club, and the shooting range designed by Swiss rifleman, Otto Horber.
Each team was provided with a small cabin in which to congregate and store weapons and ammunition. Around the area of these huts were located the various ranges: rifle; big-bore and small-bore - skeet and trap - silhouette pistol - and running deer. All ranges had spectator stands and all but the skeet and trap had covered firing points. The construction of the ranges and buildings was in keeping with the ultra-modern trend of Venezuela, and apparently money was lavishly expended.
Features of the range
During the first rifle practice two things were noted in connection with the range: first, in locating the range (shooting into the side of a mountain) facing south, very even lighting had been provided. Never was there any glare on the targets. Second, by reason of being in the head of the valley, very tricky wind conditions prevailed nearly all the time with the wind approaching from the rear of the range buildings, whipping up, over, and around to cause difficult turbulence. The 300-meter big bore, 50- and 100-meter small bore, and 50-meter pistol events were all fired on the same main range. The rapid-fire pistol range was unique in that it employed pit-operated silhouette targets and marble topped scorers' stands.
Well-trained opposition
Perhaps the most interesting if disturbing feature of the whole match was the performance of the well-trained and well-equipped Russian team. From the first practice sessions it became evident that this team was deadly serious and prepared to win. The team was composed of 50-odd men, 35 of whom were shooters, the rest being "team officials, interpreters, and coaches." Their team performance was sparked by the showing of perhaps the finest rifleman in the world, A. Bogdanov, a short blond husky 28-year-old shooter. Bogdanov won four rifle matches, three with new World's Records; 50-meter kneeling, 396 (old record 393); 50-meter three-position aggregate, 1174 (old record 1164); and 300-meter three-position aggregate, 1133 (old record 1124).
After winning the rapid-fire pistol individual and team competition, it was obvious that Russian pistol shooting was somewhat similar to their rifle skill, but our hopes were high for the center-fire pistol match. The Russians had appeared for practice with ancient Nagant revolvers, with which they seemed to be doing only fair. Center-fire revolver firing is old stuff to U.S. shooters and we felt superior with our better equipment. What a surprise was in store for us on the day of the match when the Russians showed up with brand news Smith & Wesson K-38's and Winchester Match ammunition . . . to beat us again!
Victory for Ullman
They failed to win the individual center-fire competition, however, but so did we. T. Ullman, the old master from Sweden, won it after shooting a 297 in the slow-fire stage at 25 meters. Out of 30 shots, he scored only one nine and one eight! The target used for this stage is roughly the dimensions of a 100-yard small bore target. For this, nearly all countries used the S&W K-38 with midrange wadcutter ammunition, as did Ullman, the winner.
Second to Bogdanov in the rifle matches was V. Borisov, whose scores were usually just a point behind the former. Borisov fired a new record in the 300-meter standing event with a 368, beating the old record of Elo of Finland (364), made in 1949.
A startling comparison of scores can be made by relating that the low man on the Russian team exceeded the American record held by Arthur Jackson in the 300-meter three-position aggregate.
U.S. won English Match
The Russians didn't steal the show completely, as the U.S. Team won the English Match (small bore, 30 shots at 50 meters, 30 shots at 100 meters, prone) with G. Boa, well-known Canadian shooter taking first place with a new record of 398 (old record 396, Jackson 1952). Joe Benner won the 50-meter free-pistol event with a 553, beating Ullman of Sweden by one point, and Bill McMillan won the Venezuelan Pistol Match, with a good lead over Scheptarski of Russia. Our skeet triumphed with Crites and Pendergrass winning first and second individually.
Of interest to most shooters is the equipment used by the U.S. Squad:
300-meter big bore rifle
Sandager - Special single-shot action made in Finland, Schultz & Larsen 6.5 x 55 barrel, thumbhole stock made in Minnesota after Schultz & Larsen pattern
Franzen - Same as Sandager except for short 6.5 cartridge handloaded
Jackson - Winchester Model 70 action, Canjar trigger, Douglas .30-'06 barrel, free-rifle stock, Frankford Arsenal International Match ammo
Westergaard - Schultz & Larsen 6.5 x 55
Wright - Same
Smith - Same
Luke - Haemmerlli 6.5 x 55
50-meter small bore rifle
Swanson - Finnish Lion rifle, special stock patterned after Schultz & Larsen
Jackson - Winchester 52, Johnson barrel, special stock, for standing and kneeling; Remington 37 for prone
Wright - Remington 37 with Dunlap stock
Cook - Morgan-Johnson with Humphrey stock
Westergaard - Benny action, Johnson barrel, for standing and kneeling; Winchester 52 for prone
McAuliffe - Winchester 52
Smith - Same
50-meter pistol
All competitors used Haemmerli .22 free-pistol
25-meter silhouette rapid-fire pistol
Benner, Forman, Roettinger - Haemmerli Walther long barrel, .22 short
McMillan, Mitchell, Jagoda - Hi Standard 6 3/4-inch barrel, .22 short
Center-fire pistol
Benner, McMillan, Jagoda - Colt Officers' Model
Reeves - Smith & Wesson K-38
Practice sessions preceded the opening ceremonies and following that, practice took the form of 'badge competitons', which correspond to out 'skiddoo' matches at Camp Perry, in which the competitor shoots against score.
Match procedure is quite different from that in our domestic competitions, particularly in small bore firing. Pit service is utilized, with the value of each shot signaled to the line. A scorer is behind each shooter and a running score is posted on a large board as the shooter fires. This is an unofficial score as all targets are later taken into what is called 'Control', where the official score is counted. Spectators can walk up and down the line and watch the scores of the favorites, but the exasperating feature is that the final official score may be a point or two different from the one on the board. In one case Augie Westergaard was adjudged to be the winner in one rifle match on the basis of the signaled score, only to find that he lost a point in 'Control', thus moving him down several places. Another difficulty was the time involved in obtaining the final score, amounting to as much as six hours after the match.
Presentation ceremonies
Daily presentations of awards won the previous day were scheduled, but in many cases these were postponed, due sometimes to failure to complete the scoring or to the delayed decision on some protest. The presentations took the usual Olympic form of raising the flag of the winner's country and the playing of his country's anthem.
The team had an ardent supporter in roy Dunlap, the gunsmith from Arizona, who appeared in Caracas several days after our arrival. He had come down on his own to observe International shooting and spent all of his time cheering the team on.
Of the many things that happened, some less important ones stick in our memories . . . like the night the skeet team threw Crites and Pendergrass into the lovely pool at the Tamanaco fully dressed . . . of the demonstration Harry Reeves gave of hip shooting, this time hip shooting with an candid camera at the strip teasers in the Teatro Caracas . . . of the weighing of triggers by an official who attached the lead seal indicating approval to the removable weight on a Hi-Standard . . . big 240-pound pistol shooter Ralph Anthony eating everything in sight and complaining of losing weight . . . the four Russians who came to the cocktail party only drink nothing but orange juice . . . the party given by the U.S. Military Mission with girls from the embassy, to which a Norwegian girl was invited because she could look Roettinger straight in the eyes (at least six feet four!) . . . dinner at the Circulo Militar (the officers' club), at which we would all like to become accustomed . . . the closing ceremonies during which fireworks were supposed to be set off electrically but which finally had to be lighted with plain old-fashioned matches . . . and many, many others.
The Russian team
As to observations concerning future competitions of this type, it must be said that if American shooting continues in its present trend we will never be able to compete successfully with the Russians. They have a team organization on a permanent basis, much like a professional ball club. By their own admissions they are subsidized by the government and it is doubtful if any of the team has to worry about making a living. A European shooter, who has competed with them in Europe, claims that each team member has a halftime job and is accorded many privileges that other Russians do not have. He states that each team member is given a month's vacation upon his return to Russia. Although it seems hardly possible, he claims that each member averages about 75,000 rounds of practice ammunition a year. Their equipment is team equipment, selected not by the shooter but by experienced coaches and team officials. They all use the same type of heavy leather shooting coat and apparently its selection has been made after careful study. For some reason the pistol shooters use the same heavy black leather coat even in hot weather.
In contrast to our shooters, who never have time to get together and become a real team and who shoot mostly as individuals, the Russians are a clicking machine. It is doubtful if our teams will ever be of that type, as our people are unwilling to sponsor and to finance such a venture, or to submit to the anonymity of being a cog in such a machine. One thing we can do is to incorporate into our shooting programs the three-position shooting which is necessary for International competition. It is absolutely necessary to gain match experience in this difficult form of firing to compete with those who do nothing else.
American performances
The entire American team shot fully up to what could properly be expected of them and the American people whose donations made the trip possible can proud of them.
The pistol teams made a fine showing with three second-place teams, two individual firsts, two seconds and a third place. There is sound reason to believe that if the same group of men shot together for a protracted period, much as our Service teams do in preparation for the National Matches, it would permit a marked improvement. Whether we must do this to prove anything is an entirely different matter.
Facing facts, our rifle teams, with the exception of the prone teams, rank no better than fifth or sixth in the world. It is no source of shame that they were outshot over the three-position course of fire by such shooters as the Finns, Norwegians, Russians, Swedes, and Swiss. This situation won't be changed materially unless or until this type of shooting becomes more popular in this country and we have a much greater number of experienced shooters from which to select and train a team. Our riflemen shot fully up to their present capabilities.
American Rifleman, Vol. 103, No. 1, January 1955

American Rifleman, Vol. 103, No. 1, January 1955
The 1954 International Shooting Squad which represented the United States in the 36th World Shooting Championship: (seated, l. to r.) Ralph W. Anthony; William W. McMillan; Col. Charles G. Rau, USA, Adjutant; Frank T. Parsons, Captain; Maj. Gen. Merritt A. Edson, USMC (Ret'd), Chief of U.S. Delegation and ISU Vice President; Maj. Harold J. Thomas, USMC, Coach; Harry Reeves; Philip C. Roettinger. (Standing) Walter R. Walsh, Arthur C. Jackson, Robert K. Sandager, Arthur E. Cook, John C. Forman, James M. Smith, William C. McAuliffe, August Westergaard, E. O. Franzen, John M. Jagoda, Offut Pinion, Allan Luke, Huelet L. Benner, Thomas R. Mitchell, Verle F. Wright, John F. Dodds and E. O. Swanson
U.S. Shooting Team
Rifle Members
Arthur E. Cook, E. O. Franzen, Arthur C. Jackson, Allan L. Luke, William C. McAuliffe, Robert K. Sandager, James M. Smith, Emmet O. Swanson, August Westergaard and Verle Wright
Pistol Members
Ralph W. Anthony, Huelet L. Benner, John F. Dodds, John C. Forman, John M. Jagoda, William W. McMillan, Jr., Thomas R. Mitchell, Offutt Pinion, Harry Reeves, Philip C. Roettinger and Walter R. Walsh
Skeet Members
W. L. Arthur, Chesley J. Crites, T. H. Harris, Joe Hayman, Kenneth L. Pendergrass, Igor Pezas, F. L. Smith and W. G. Tomlinson
Team Management & Support
Merritt A. Edson (Chief of U.S. Delegation & ISU Vice President), Frank T. Parsons, Jr. (Team Captain), Charles G. Rau (Team Adjutant), Harold J. Thomas (Team Coach)
Marine Shooters Gain Final Round In World Tryout
Four Marines who last Friday captured the National Pistol Team Championship at Camp Perry, Ohio, will be among the six who will compete in the final tryouts for the International Matches at Fort Benning, Ga., October 27 to Nov. 7.
In a press release received at presstime from Washington, D. C., the Marines were listed as: Lt. Col. Walter R. Walsh, team captain, and Capt. Thomas R. Mitchell, both of the 2nd Marine Division, Camp Lejeune; Captain John M. Jagoda, TTU, Atlantic, and 2nd Lt. William W. McMillan, Jr., MCRD, Parris Island.
Lt. Col. Phillip C. Roettinger, USMCR, who last week won the national title for the International Slow Fire Pistol crown at Fort Benning. Mitchell, Roettinger, Jagoda and McMillan will fire the International Silhouette Raid Fire Pistol match.
Sixth member of the Marines' International finalists will be 2nd Lt. James M. Smith, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, Cherry Point, N.C. A newcomer to big league shooting circles, Smith will compete in the International .30 caliber rifle match.
MCRD Chevron, Friday, September 17, 1954
6 Capture Berths On U.S. Team for World Shoot Meet
FT. BENNING, Ga., Nov. 6 (AP) Six more berths were nailed down yesterday on the American rifle and pistol team which will represent the U.S. in the International Shooting Union world championships in Caracas, Venezuela, Nov. 15-24.
The squad consists of four Marine shooters, one Army man, and one U.S. border patrolman. The four marines are Capt John Jagoda, Ashbury Park, N.J.; Capt Thomas Mitchell, Lubbock, Tex.; Lt William McMillan, Turtle Creek, Pa.; and Lt Col Philip Roettinger, a reserve officer from Washington.
The Army is represented by MSgt Huelet Benner, present world champion, and the border patrol by John Forman, El Paso.
Stars & Stripes, November 7, 1954
Marine Marksman Ties U.S. Record In Pistol Tryouts
FT. BENNING, Ga., Nov. 8 (AP) Lt William W. McMillan, USMC, Turtle Creek, Pa., tied the American record of 590 points out of a possible 600 in yesterday's tryouts for a U.s. International rapid-fire pistol squad.
The squad will be part of the American rifle and pistol team participating in the International Shooting Union world champions at Caracas, Venezuela, Nov. 15-25.
Ties Record
McMillan tied the record set Wednesday by MSgt Huelet Benner, USA, West Point, N.Y. Benner holds the world mark of 582, eight points under the American record.
Two other shooters surpassed the world record yesterday. They were Benner with a 584 and Capt John M. Jagoda, USMC, Asbury Park, N.J., with a 585. Lt Col Harry Reeves, USMCR, Detroit, fired a 582.
Stars & Stripes, November 9, 1954
U.S. Team Off to Caracas Shooting Matches
FT. BENNING, Ga., Nov. 12 (AP) Twenty-one rifle and pistol experts, including some of America's all time greats, left by plane yesterday for Caracas, Venezuela, where they will represent this country in the 36th International Shooting Union championship matches Nov. 15-26.
One world champion and eight veterans of the 1952 Olympic and International Shooting Union world championship teams are among the marksmen who will compete against shooters of 34 other nations.
Three Minneapolis marksmen, Lt Col Emmett Swanson (USMCR), Maj Bob Sandagar (USAR) and E. O. Franzen all won berths on the U.S. team.
Sandager 1st in Tryouts
Sandager took first-place in the 300-meter freestyle rifle tryouts here over the weekend with a total of 2,435 points.
Swanson finished third in the 50-meter small-bore rifle competition with a score of 2,563.
Franzen scored a total of 2,386 points in the 300-meter firing.
Other members of the Caracas delegation include Lt Col Harry Reeves, Marine Corps Reserve, Detroit; Lt William McMillan, Marine Corps, Turtle Creek, Pa.; and Army MSgt Huelet Benner, West Point, N.Y., world rapid-fire champion.
Stars & Stripes, November 13, 1954
Russian Shooters Set 2 World Marks In Caracas Meet
CARACAS, Venezuela, Nov. 21 (AP) - Russian shooters set two new records and scored a double sweep to win both the individual and team titles in the rapid fire on silhouette division of the world shooting tournament yesterday.
Mikolai Kallnitchenko won the individual world championship with a score of 584 to beat the old record of 582 held by H. L. Benner, U.S.
Russia's team score in this category was 2,317, beating the former team record of 2,304 formerly held by the U.S.
Second place in the individual honors went to Lt William McMillan, U.S., with 582, followed by Pentti Linnosvuo, Finland, with 581.
Russia's Nikolai Boganov won first place in the smallbore rifle standing, 50 meters, with a score of 380 and 12 bull's-eyes according to final official results.
Stars & Stripes, November 22, 1954
Eight Marines Competing On U.S. Rifle Team; Largest Single Group
Marines constitute the largest single membership group within the U.S. International Rifle and Pistol team now competing in the International Matches at Caracas, Venezuela. Of the 21 members of the team, eight are Marines.
All but one of the nine Leathernecks who completed the final tryouts last week at Ft. Benning, Ga., qualified for the International Team. The Army is represented by five members on team; the Air Force has three members, and the Navy one. There are also four civilian competitors.
The eight Marines are: Lieutenant Colonels Walter R. Walsh, Camp Lejeune; Phillip C. Roettinger, 5th Reserve District, Arlington, Va.; Harry Reeves, 9th Reserve District, Detroit, Mich.; and Emmet O. Swanson, 9th Reserve District, Minneapolis, Minn.; Captains John M. Jagoda, Little Creek; and Thomas R. Mitchell, Camp Lejeune; and Lieutenants William W. McMillan, Jr., Parris Island and James M. Smith, Cherry Point.
Colonels Reeves and Walsh will compete in the 50 meter free pistol match at Caracas, while Col. Roettinger, Capt. Jagoda, Lts. Mitchell and McMillan will compete in the international rapid fire silhouette matches. Col. Swanson and Lt. Smith are scheduled to fire the 50 meter small bore competition, and Smith also will participate in the 300 meter free rifle match.
Some 52 nations are represented at the World Rifle and Pistol Matches, as members of the International Shooting Union. The ISU conducts the Championships, and is a subordinate member of the International Olympic Association.
MCRD Chevron, Friday, November 27, 1954
Marines Dominate Team At International Matches
Marines constitute the largest single membership group within the U. S. International Rifle and Pistol team now competing in the International Matches at Caracas, Venezuela. Of the 21 members of the team, eight are Marines.
All but one of the nine Leathernecks who completed the final tryouts last week at Ft. Benning, Ga., qualified for the International Team. The Army is represented by five members of the team; the Air Force has three members, and the Navy one. There are also four civilian competitors.
The eight Marines are: Lt. Cols. Walter R. Walsh, Camp Lejeune, N. C.; Phillip C. Roettinger, USMCR, 5th Marine Corps Reserve District, Arlington, Va.; Harry Reeves, USMCR, 9th Marine Corps Reserve District, Detroit, Mich.; and Emmet O. Swanson, 9th Marine Corps Reserve District, Minneapolis, Minn., Captains John N. Jagoda, Little Creek, Va., and Thomas R. Mitchell, Camp Lejeune; and Lts. William W. McMillan, Jr., Parris Island, S. C. and James M. Smith, Cherry Point, N. C.
Cols. Reeves and Walsh will compete in the 50 meter free pistol match at Caracas, while Col. Roettinger, Capts. Jagoda and Mitchell and Lt. McMillan will compete in the international rapid fire silhouette (pistol) matches. Col. Swanson and Lt. Smith are scheduled to fire the 50 meter small bore competition, and Smith also will participate in the 300 meter free rifle match.
Some 52 nations are represented at the World Rifle and Pistol Matches, as members of the International Shooting Union. The ISU conducts the Championships, and is a subordinate member of the International Olympic Association.
The Parris Island Boot, Saturday, November 27, 1954
McMillan May Get World Shoot Title
CARACAS, Nov. 27 (AP) - William McMillan of Turtle Creek, Pa., may be the world pistol-shooting champion, but the officials of the championships which ended here today will have to decide an argument.
MSgt Huelet Benner of West Point had the highest score in the competition with 395 points, compared with 377 for McMillan. But officials had to rule on a possible default by Benner, who apparently missed the target on one shot. McMillan hit the target on all 60 shots.
Unknown newspaper, November 27, 1954
Range Officer Captures 2d And 3d In Matches
Parris Island's 2dLt. William W. McMillan provided the United States with one of its few bright lights as Russia swept to victory in the international rifle and pistol matches at Venezuela.
The lieutenant, attached to Weapons Battalion, finished second in the Rapid Fire Pistol Match, copped by Russia, and third in the Center Fire Match, also taken by the USSR.
The winners of the World Championship Rifle and Pistol Matches were announced this week by the National Rifle Association, which organized this event.
Results of the various matches follow:
Free Rifle Match - Russia won first spot with a score of 5,607 which was 87 points above the previous record by Estonia. Switzerland was second with a mark of 5,505. Sweden was third with a score of 5,491. United States took fifth.
Free Pistol Match - Russia again won, with a mark of 2,722. United States was second with a score of 2,706. Third place went to Sweden with a mark of 2,697. In this match, MSgt Huelet Benner of the Army, an instructor at the U.S. Military Academy, made the highest individual score of 553.
Center Fire Pistol Match - Russia was first with a mark of 2,319. United States again finished second when it chalked up a mark of 2,316. Cuba, with a score of 2,263, was third.
Rapid Fire Pistol Match - Russian again topped the list with a mark of 2,317. United States finished second with a 2,292 score. Finland's 2,289 mark was good for third.
Smallbore Rifle Prone Match - United States copped one of its two first places here with a mark of 2,373. Sweden came in second with a score of 2,372. Russian was third with a mark of 2,370.
Smallbore Rifle World Championship Match - Russia captured first with a score of 5,802. United States finished sixth with a mark of 5,705.
Smallbore Kneeling Match - Russian took top spot with a 1,865 mark, United States was fifth with a 1,805 score.
Skeet Individual Rifle Match - United States took first place with a score of 148 and second spot with a 145 mark. Sweden was third with a score of 145.
The Parris Island Boot, Monday, December 13, 1954

"The Russian Jochelson examines a pistol with the American McMillan. It was another show of cordially of the many that were yesterday in the shooting range among the various competitors of the world championships. (Photo: Sarda)"

"A Swede, two Americans and a Russian cordially in the firing range. The four talk about the world championship, which, will be officially opened tomorrow and try to find out the individual records. They are, from left to right: Ullman, the double world champion and Swedish coach, American McMillan, Russian Jochelson and American Mitchel. (Photo: Sarda)"

"THIS IS WILLIAM Mc MILLAN, North American shooter that captured the world title in the Venezuelan firing match with 377 points. In second place was the Russian Scheptarski with 363 and in third place, the Venezuelan Carlos Monteverde with 228 points. Team Finland was champion with 1090 points. Cuba runner-up with 984 and Brazil third with 971. Official information was collected last night."
Place | Name | Country | Total Points |
1st | Huelet L. Benner | USA | 553 |
2nd | Torsten E. Ullman | Sweden | 552 |
3rd | Anton Jasinsky | USSR | 552 |
Source: ISSF & USA Shooting Results
Place | Country | Team Members | Total Points |
1st | USSR | Vladimir Demin Anton Jasinsky Konstantin Martazov Evgeni Polikanin Lev Vainshtein |
2722 |
2nd | USA | Ralph W. Anthony Huelet L. Benner John Dodds Harry W. Reeves Offutt Pinion |
2706 |
3rd | Sweden | Aeke Lindblom Leif Uno Larsson Hugo Lundqvist Gustaf Preutz Torsten Elis Ullman |
2697 |
4th | Switzerland | - | 2660 |
5th | Mexico | - | 2649 |
6th | Cuba | - | 2634 |
Source: ISSF Results
Place | Name | Country | Total Points |
1st | Nikolai Kalinichenko | USSR | 584 |
2nd | William W. McMillan | USA | 582 |
3rd | Pentti Tapio Aleksi Linnosvuo | Finland | 581 |
9th | Thomas Mitchell | USA | 575 |
13th | Huelet L. Benner | USA | 572 |
22nd | Philip C. Roettinger | USA | 563 |
Source: ISSF & USA Shooting Results
Place | Country | Team Members | Total Points |
1st | USSR | Nikolai Kalinichenko: 584 Oleg Zhgutov: 579 Victor Nasonov: 577 Evgeni Cherkassov: 577 |
2317 |
2nd | USA | William W. McMillan: 582 Thomas Mitchell: 575 Huelet L. Benner: 572 Philip C. Roettinger: 563 |
2292 |
3rd | Finland | Pentti Tapio Aleksi: 581 Leonard Ravilo: 576 Lauri Toikka: 571 Vaeinoe Heusala: 561 |
2289 |
4th | Venezuela | Barreto: 572 Crassus: 570 Paredes: 560 Monteverde: 559 |
2261 |
5th | Brazil | Rocha: 576 Simão: 569 Cavaleanti: 554 Ferreira: 546 |
2245 |
6th | Sweden | Pihl: 569 Schött: 564 Danielson: 552 Ullman: 534 |
2219 |
Source: ISSF Results
Place | Name | Country | 1st Course | 2nd Course | Total Points |
1st | Torsten E. Ullman | Sweden | 297 | 289 | 586 |
2nd | Huelet L. Benner | USA | 289 | 296 | 585 |
3rd | William W. McMillan | USA | 288 | 296 | 584 |
7th | Harry W. Reeves | USA | 290 | 289 | 579 |
16th | John M. Jagoda | USA | 279 | 289 | 568 |
Source: ISSF & USA Shooting Results
Place | Country | Team Members | Total Points |
1st | USSR | Anton Jasinsky Konstantin Martazov Makhmud Umarov Lev Vainshtein |
2319 |
2nd | USA | Huelet L. Benner: 585 William W. McMillan: 584 Harry W. Reeves: 579 John M. Jagoda: 568 |
2316 |
3rd | Cuba | Tomas Cabanas Rafael Antonio Cadalso-Fernandez L. Dediot Carlos Rodriguez-Feo |
2263 |
4th | Finland | - | 2262 |
5th | Mexico | - | 2253 |
6th | Switzerland | - | 2247 |
Source: ISSF Results
Place | Name | Country | Total Points |
1st | William W. McMillan | USA | 377 |
2nd | Scheptarski | USSR | 363 |
3rd | Carlos Monteverde | Venezuela | 228 |
Source: ISSF Results
Place | Country | Total Points |
1st | Finland | 1090 |
2nd | Cuba | 984 |
3rd | Brazil | 971 |
Source: ISSF Results