1959 NRA Pistol State Team Brassard
State Team matches will be fired at outdoor State Championship tournaments during 1959, as announced in the January RIFLEMAN. This is a new plan offered by the NRA. A 10-man team will represent each State and each team member will be furnished a brassard. It is the first time that teams of the top shooters in each State will be matched for awards.
American Rifleman, Vol. 107, No. 6, June 1959
To be fired by 10-man teams selected at state championships
A new shooting match has been organized by the NRA to begin in 1959. In this new event a team of 10 shooters may be selected at each NRA-registered outdoor state championship tournament. The team will fire a special match at the state championship and the scores will be sent to the NRA. At the end of the season (by Dec. 1) the NRA will prepare a bulletin showing the score of each state team. Awards will be given to the top 3 teams.
A special state team brassard will be given each shooter who is a member of one of these state teams. There is no entry fee. All brassards and awards will be furnished by the NRA.
There will be 4 of these matches — smallbore prone, smallbore position, pistol, and high power rifle.
Regulations covering these interesting new events have been mailed to all NRA-affiliated state associations. Each outdoor state championship program should carry a notice of these matches, listing it as an additional event.
The state championship sponsor will determine in advance of the tournament which fired match is to be used for the selection of the team. The high 10 shooters in that match who are residents of the state represented will be the team. The course of fire to be used for the state team match willl be as follows:
Smallbore Rilfe, Prone — Dewar Course, metallic sights
Smallbore Rifle, Position — Ten shots in each position, prone, kneeling, and NRA standing, at 50 yds., metallic sights.
Pistol — National Match Course, .22 cal. pistol or revolver
High Power Rifle — 20 shots standing and 20 shots rapid-fire standing to sitting, 200 yds., Military "A" target, Service rifle or NRA Match rifle.
One team from each state may fire in each of the above matches. This match should be scheduled to be the last fired match on the program. It will furnish an interesting event to fill the time required by the Statistical Office to complete the aggregate match bulletins. The Tournament Executive Officer and the NRA Official Referee will be the Official Witnesses. They will observe the firing, be responsible for the scoring, and mail the completed certificate of firing to the NRA.
This is the first time a match has been offered where each state will be represented with a team of 10 top shooters. We hope every state will be represented in each of these state team matches.
American Rifleman, Vol. 107, No. 1, January, 1959